Life Span Shortened – Scientists confirmed – Baddies sabotaged Chromosome 2

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.6.2024: Indeed, but I also managed to do things in less than 30 years where 1 Million other people would need 30000 Years and couldn´t even bring it into existence….

Life Span Shortened – Scientists confirmed – Baddies sabotaged Chromosome 2.

@metavation Were We Genetically Modified? #4biddenknowledge Speaker: @4biddenknowledge #metavation #billycarson #geneticmodification #sumerian #towerofbabel #anunnaki #ancienthistory #ancienthistorytok ♬ original sound – Metavation

577880cookie-checkLife Span Shortened – Scientists confirmed – Baddies sabotaged Chromosome 2
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