Abusing Biosensor technology to harm humans.

@hopegirl606Abusing Biosensor technology to harm humans. From our presentation Wireless Body Area Network on SGT Report From the Industry that is bringing you transhumanism, Hope and Tivon explain the technology that has been erected throughout our society through the wireless body area network. Learn the basics about biosensors in a graphenated population and how its all leading to the New World Order plan of population control in a 15 minute smart city prison planet. Link in comments #transhumanism #4thindustrialrevolution #WBAN #Wirelessbodyareanetwork #sabrinawallace #hopeandtivon #ftwproject #hopegirlblog #graphene♬ original sound – HOPEGIRLBLOG

“Abusing Biosensor technology to harm humans.

From our presentation Wireless Body Area Network on SGT Report

From the Industry that is bringing you transhumanism, Hope and Tivon explain the technology that has been erected throughout our society through the wireless body area network. Learn the basics about biosensors in a graphenated population and how its all leading to the New World Order plan of population control in a 15 minute smart city prison planet.

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#transhumanism #4thindustrialrevolution #WBAN #Wirelessbodyareanetwork #sabrinawallace #hopeandtivon #ftwproject #hopegirlblog #graphene”

“Biosensors also have the ability to modify the DNA of the Subject. They are micro and nano in scale and they are located in the interstitial fluid, inbetween your cells, shows you how small they are.”

“Biosensors can use your body´s natural electric energy to power themselves and emit a data signal that is connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).”

“Our Biosensors are made of hybridizing our DNA, emit a Signal using electro chemical elements, such as light and that can be controlled through optogenetics which is controlling biological systems through light.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.2.2024: Basically they want to turn you all into remote controllable DARPA Beetle Zombiedrones – that can be remotely controlled. What they do to the brain and motorcortex of the poor DARPA Beetle, they also do to your brain and motorcortex with nonsurgical N3 Nanotech from the Chemtrails that you inhale via magneto-transfection!!!

“remote controlled beetle by DARPA
100 Abonnenten
76.714 Aufrufe vor 15 Jahren
An experience to remotely control a beetle to take off, land, turn right or left…”

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.2.2024: Misusing, experimenting, torturing and destroying not only mother natures insects, but also invading and sabotaging your brains, generically… Brahma should be outraged and punish these evil bastards, it blocks our full potentiality by invading our genome and delaying our Mission through interference and hybridized invasion in our systems. Means, Psychopaths can mess with your control processing signals of your own body.
People of low morality and idiotized by Rockefeller Universities with zero regards to Empathy mess with Humanity like with Robots. Not to forget that all the Biotech Systems are potential Genetic Weaponry that can cause Pseudo-Cancers, Skin Damage through Ecdyson Entomological Bioweapon-Switches of the Nanotechnology (USSOC Smart Dust) and Vein-Mutations and Xeno-Angiomas like Morgellons due to the hybridized DNA-Trojan-Inserts from Chemtrails DARPA/DOD Crime Biotech inhalation. (if triggered into pathogenic mode by Military Alphabet Criminals in their DNA Database for Targeted Individuals)

“Singapore´s Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insects
1,52 Mio. Abonnenten
1.806.981 Aufrufe 04.10.2018
In the future, we may have remote-controlled insects to reach places humans cannot. At least that’s what Dr. Hirotaka Sato, an aerospace engineer from Singapore, is hoping.
Motherboard went to Dr. Sato’s lab in Singapore to take one of his cyborg beetles for a test flight.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.2.2024: VICE is a CIA subsidiary, that is why they try to paint the DARPA Beetle in a beneficient way… and Not calling it animal cruelty and nazi experimentation, means they are a subfaction of the CIA Zionazis.

All Targeted Individuals who complain about the Spasms of Violence…look at the DARPA Beetle…they invaded your Motorcortex with DoD Nanites.

534940cookie-checkAbusing Biosensor technology to harm humans.
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