‘Putin will be gone soon’: Exiled Russian dissident Ilya Ponomarev • FRANCE 24 English

“‘Putin will be gone soon’: Exiled Russian dissident Ilya Ponomarev • FRANCE 24 English”
“2.060.293 Aufrufe – 06.04.2022”

“FRANCE 24 English
2,39 Mio. Abonnenten
Exiled Russian #dissident #IlyaPonomarev gave an interview to FRANCE 24 from Kyiv. The former Russian lawmaker was the only member of the Douma to vote against the annexation of Crimea back in 2014 and now lives in #Ukraine. He predicted that “#Putin will be gone soon”, arguing that the Russian president has “definitely lost the war” in Ukraine and that “no dictator who has lost a war can stay in power”. Asked about the suspected war crimes in #Bucha that have shocked the world, Ponomarev claimed that the killings were most likely the results of “panic” by retreating Russian forces, rather than being carefully planned.”

485940cookie-check‘Putin will be gone soon’: Exiled Russian dissident Ilya Ponomarev • FRANCE 24 English
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