The End of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)…

“The End of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)…”

“Dr. Eric Berg DC
10,5 Mio. Abonnenten
1.470.198 Aufrufe 29.01.2023 UNITED STATES
Learn more about what causes high blood pressure and discover the best natural remedies for hypertension.

“Chronic hypoxia increases blood pressure and noradrenaline spillover in healthy humans” “(Published online 2003)”
“The High Blood Pressure Hoax Taschenbuch – 1. Januar 2008”

“0:00 Introduction: Hypertension explained
1:45 Hypertension causes
2:20 Common treatment for high blood pressure
5:27 Nitric oxides for high blood pressure
6:40 The best natural remedy for high blood pressure
6:58 Other natural high blood pressure remedies
8:45 Learn more about the best diet for high blood pressure!”

“Blood pressure problems are very common. Today, we’re going to talk about blood pressure and the best natural hypertension remedies.”

The problems with high blood pressure can extend way beyond the heart. High blood pressure can affect the brain, eyes, and kidneys. High blood pressure can also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In my opinion, two common causes of high blood pressure are low magnesium and low vitamin D. But hypertension could also be the result of another health issue, like hypoxia.

The typical treatment for hypertension involves lowering sodium intake or taking a diuretic. But, diuretics deplete potassium and magnesium, which could both be potential causes of high blood pressure in the first place.

Calcium channel blockers and ace inhibitors are also used to treat high blood pressure, but those come with serious potential side effects. A research study also found that taking aspirin every day may not have any benefits.

Nitric oxide, on the other hand, supports the inner layer of the arteries and may help lower blood pressure. A certain enzyme in the body helps make nitric oxide. But, this enzyme can be inhibited if you have a specific genetic variation.

One of the best natural remedies for hypertension is L-arginine. L-arginine supports the production of nitric oxide in the body.

Other great natural remedies for high blood pressure are foods like garlic and celery, which you can easily include in your diet.

You may also want to take tocotrienols to support the arteries and make sure you’re getting plenty of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D3.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor”

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