Conspiracy Revelation: 25.4.2023: Not only the poked poisoned ones, I know a lot of usual sneaky socially crippled and inept Zombie-Cowards for decades, I was born with social skills, I once was called the most pleasant-natured individual of the world, most are born to contribute to the war of all against all… Aging (Entropy), Morbidity and artificially induced diseases might be excuses for not rebelling against the powers that were, but that is not valid for spirirual warriors.
„The Covid Jabs have created Millions of Zombies“
„…the deaths and the maimings weren’t side effects at all – they were the main effects. And in addition to the deaths and the serious health problems (heart disease for example), the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a new population of zombies.“
„It is because of this brain damage that so many people readily accept digital currencies, the banishment of cash and other steps towards total slavery. The vaxxed are different to the rest of us: they don’t notice what is happening. In the land of the vaxxed, the cretin is king.“