Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) (NIH.GOV) => NWO Crime Inc.

“Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT)” (NIH.GOV) => NWO Crime Inc.
Conspiracy Revelation: 27.3.2024: Switzerland is always at the forefront….CIA Knights Templar Center…but they also have to know who will defeat them all…A huge conglomerate of mindless posthuman worker bees and Slave-Lemmings who fulfill the Will of NWO Crime Inc. and EVIL totalitarian ARCHONTIC TOTALITARISM… The difference between you and me is, I am a REAL PHARAO, I do not pretend it.



Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) is a novel communication paradigm where tiny, biocompatible and non-intrusive devices collect and sense biological signals from the environment and send them to data centers for processing through the internet.
The concept of the IoBNT has stemmed from the combination of synthetic biology and nanotechnology tools which enable the fabrication of biological computing devices called Bio-nano things. Bio-nano things are nanoscale (1-100 nm) devices that are ideal for in vivo applications, where non-intrusive devices can reach hard-to-access areas of the human body (such as deep inside the tissue) to collect biological information. Bio-nano things work collaboratively in the form of a network called nanonetwork. The interconnection of the biological world and the cyber world of the Internet is made possible by a powerful hybrid device called Bio Cyber Interface. Bio Cyber Interface translates biochemical signals from in-body nanonetworks into electromagnetic signals and vice versa. Bio Cyber Interface can be designed using several technologies. In this paper, we have selected bio field-effect transistor (BioFET) technology, due to its characteristics of being fast, low-cost, and simple The main concern in this work is the security of IoBNT, which must be the preliminary requirement, especially for healthcare applications of IoBNT. Once the human body is accessible through the Internet, there is always a chance that it will be done with malicious intent. To address the issue of security in IoBNT, we propose a framework that utilizes Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and to detect anomalous activities in the IoBNT transmission. Our proposed PSO-based ANN model was tested for the simulated dataset of BioFET based Bio Cyber Interface communication features. The results show an improved accuracy of 98.9% when compared with Adam based optimization function.

Keywords: Artificial neural network; Bio-cyber interface; Internet of bio-nano things; Parameter profiling; Particle swarm optimization.

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1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, 09123 Cagliari, Italy
2 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari, 07100 Sassari, Italy
3 Department of Electronics and Computers, Transilvania University of Brașov, 500068 Brașov, Romania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sensors 2023, 23(17), 7528;
Submission received: 24 July 2023 / Revised: 18 August 2023 / Accepted: 28 August 2023 / Published: 30 August 2023
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Smart cities and 6G are technological areas that have the potential to transform the way we live and work in the years to come. Until this transformation comes into place, there is the need, underlined by research and market studies, for a critical reassessment of the entire wireless communication sector for smart cities, which should include the IoT infrastructure, economic factors that could improve their adoption rate, and strategies that enable smart city operations. Therefore, from a technical point of view, a series of stringent issues, such as interoperability, data privacy, security, the digital divide, and implementation issues have to be addressed. Notably, to concentrate the scrutiny on smart cities and the forthcoming influence of 6G, the groundwork laid by the current 5G, with its multifaceted role and inherent limitations within the domain of smart cities, is embraced as a foundational standpoint. This examination culminates in a panoramic exposition, extending beyond the mere delineation of the 6G standard toward the unveiling of the extensive gamut of potential applications that this emergent standard promises to introduce to the smart cities arena. This paper provides an update on the SC ecosystem around the novel paradigm of 6G, aggregating a series of enabling technologies accompanied by the descriptions of their roles and specific employment schemes.
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“Internet of Everything (IoE) Group:
Research Associate Positions:
Several positions exists for Research Associates Positions in the Department of Engineering, to work on molecular communications and nanonetworks under the supervision of Prof. Ozgur Akan.
The post holder(s) will work on the project tasks related to the development of the artificial synapse and design and implementation of bio-inspired and nanoscale communication techniques for IoBNT. The position will focus on the design and implementation of a practical nanoscale communication system, i.e., nanoscale artificial synapse, inspired by nervous communication channels to replace the damaged neurons and communicate two disconnected neurons in the case of spinal cord injury. The system will mimic the chemical communication in biological synapses. The task involves the design, execution and analysis of molecular communication experiments on microfluidic platforms and design and fabrication of nanoscale bio-cyber interfaces enabling electrical-to-chemical and chemical-to-electrical signal transduction. The position will also focus on the design, analysis and implementation of heterogeneous communication techniques, e.g., FRET-based molecular communications, to enable the seamless networks of biological, nanoscale and macroscale entities within the IoBNT framework. The task will cover the development and experimental study of nanoscale optical transceivers based on fluorescent proteins, quantum dots and graphene.

The skills, qualifications and experience required to perform the role are a doctorate in a relevant area (eg electrical engineering), and:

Excellent quantitative skills (e.g., sound grasp of mathematics).
Understanding of the communication and information theoretical tools, molecular communications and nanonetworks in particular.
Previous experience of communication and information theoretical modelling of molecular communications.
Previous experience of computer programming in a scientific research context (e.g., C++ and MATLAB).
Previous publications in molecular communications, nanonetworks and/or Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT).
The successful candidate will have proven expertise in:
Information, communication and network theory
Signal processing
Nanoscale and molecular communications
Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Nonlinear PDE models
Synaptic channel modelling
Multi-user molecular communications, molecular MIMO.
The post holder must demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team and independently under their on inititiatve, the ability to communicate highly technical material in English in written and verbal form and the ability to develop expertise in additional relevant areas.”

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552460cookie-checkInternet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) (NIH.GOV) => NWO Crime Inc.
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