Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa

Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa

„602.914 Aufrufe 28.08.2022
For over half a century, there have been rumours of secretive facilities and bases, hidden deep below the surface of the sprawling North American landscape. This week, we examine the most infamous of these alleged sites. An underground base believed to be situated near the town of Dulce, in New Mexico. A modern-day mystery, which lies deep beneath the mesa.“

Internal Reference Link History:

„The 4th Reich, Dulce and The Moon Soul Catching Machine.“


Conspiracy Revelation: 28.9.2023: Link related to Dulce Clone Bodies of Biogenetic Super Soldiers.


„Zum Beispiel befindet sich in der Dulce Base in New Mexico eine ganze Untergrund-Basis für Klon-Experimente und Gen-Splicing, also genetische Mutationen von Menschen und Tieren.“


They do Cloning & Human/Hybrids at the Dulce DeepState military bunker in NM.“


„Look up Phil Schneider-The dulce war.“


„Layout of Area S4 (Dulce) base with Orion Cube and Looking Glass devices“

„This happened in the 1960’s during the infamous ‘Dulce battle,’ when scientists at the genetics facility were taken hostage by reptilian-like extra-terrestrial life forms who had been working with the U.S. Government underneath the New Mexico desert“


„Luciferianism which will then be followed by destruction of all humans, creation of trans-human species to serve as their slaves and complete their Terra-Forming of the Earth and repopulation of the various species created by the Dracos in their joint deep underground Miltel labs with humans such as that at Dulce, NM.“


„also corroborated by the Dulce Papers which talk of a fight between humans and aliens in 1979 at the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.“


„It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the alien nation and the two bases would be constructed for the joint use of the alien nation in the United States
government the base at dulce is one, the base at S4 in the area known as Area 51 or dreamland is the second. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases, these alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the four corners of Utah Colorado New Mexico and Arizona and one would be constructed in Nevada and the
area known as s4 located approximately seven miles south of the western border of area 51 otherwise known as dreamland, all alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department and all
personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy.“


„(Thomas Castello, the former Dulce Base security officer, reported to an associate that Dulce had a tube-shuttle station linked to several other secret underground bases.)“


„The genetic experiments in this underground metropolis (as in the trilateral Dulce-Dreamland-Luna facilities) is reportedly continuing unabated.“


„Dept. of Energy here, is nothing but a smokescreen for the REAL mastery of the human genome half a century earlier by the Illuminati that are running computerated designs of clones and human beings and all that stuff in the underground labs. (Note: The ‘genome project’ may also be a ‘cover’ for the activity taking place in the trilateral facilities below Dulce, New Mexico; the Nevada Test Site and the ‘Luna’ Base wherein genetic experimentation is reportedly being carried to it’s theoretical limits. So-called ‘abductees’
claim that they have seen Nazi officers and ‘aliens’ working together on aerial craft.“





„“Die weltweit bekannteste Anlage ist die Dulce Airforce Base, die von der US-Waffenentwicklungsbehörde DARPA betrieben wird. Die Basis soll aus insgesamt sieben Ebenen bestehen und unter anderem auch rund 18.000 Außerirdische der Rasse der Grauen beherbergen.

In Ebene sechs heißt es, werden vor allem genetische Experimente durchgeführt, unter anderem auch das Klonen von Menschen. Die Grauen sollen bereits in der Lage sein, menschliche Klone zu züchten, die aussehen wie Menschen.”
“Das Klonen von Menschen wurde von der Universität von Salt Lake City bereits 1977 entwickelt. Anfangs dauerte es noch 14 Monate, um einen erwachsenen Klon eines Menschen in einem speziell dafür vorgesehenen Tank zu produzieren. Heute geht das wesentlich schneller.“


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