“It Can Be Weaponized”: Jeremy Corbell & Bob Lazar Claim Element 115 is Dangerous

““It Can Be Weaponized”: Jeremy Corbell & Bob Lazar Claim Element 115 is Dangerous”

“665.679 Aufrufe
Larry King
558.000 Abonnenten
UFO enthusiasts explain the properties of element 115 and claim it cannot be from this earth saying it can be used as a weapon.”

“Q: What’s element 115?
“A: Element 115 is a super-heavy element, it’s something that we’ve only just recently
synthesized, we have only made four atoms of it, but the craft uses larger quantities
of it, 223 gram little triangles of it, but it’s a unique element, when it’s exposed
to radiation it produces its own gravitational field, its own anti-gravitational field and it’s what’s used to lift and propel the craft and create distortions around it. It’s an amazing material and it’s certainly nothing that occurs here or naturally
and it can be weaponized and that’s kind of the issue here if this story is all
true that can be weaponized, absolutely.”

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