New strategic threat emerging as weapons seek to target brain function, inflict neurological damage…

“New strategic threat emerging as weapons seek to target brain function, inflict neurological damage…”

Conspiracy Revelation: 30.5.2023: This threat is much older than this webpage (early 2000s and early 90s even), because this webpage wouldn´t even exist, if they hadn´t tortured me with it and if they didn´t try with all their secret neuro-skynet-quantum AI-BCI-DNA-Bio-Nano high tech to take me out…

” By Bill Gertz – The Washington Times – Wednesday, May 24, 2023


U.S. military forces are facing new dangers of nonkinetic warfare weapons in future conflicts including “neuro-strike” weapons designed to disrupt brain functions of key leaders, according to a military expert.

Robert McCreight, a retired national security specialist and former Army special operations officer, stated in an Army blog post that nonkinetic threats include silent, largely undetectable technologies capable of inflicting damaging, debilitating and degrading physical and neural effects on unwitting targets.

These new weapons can inflict strategic damage on military forces, he said.”

““This covert threat is best understood as something to be invoked via rapid surprise attack, or as a stealthy forerunner to a massive kinetic follow-on attack,” Mr. McCreight said on the Army Training and Doctrine Command’s Mad Scientist blog.

“As such, it can gradually weaken, or soften up, targeted leaders, defensive systems and key infrastructure,” he wrote.”

“The weapons’ effect also can be magnified by causing damage to the brain functions of multiple people or groups.

Traditional kinetic warfare weapons are used to kill, destroy, maim and obliterate enemies, while nonkinetic warfare arms involve the use of lasers, cyber, directed energy and related technologies.

Mr. McCreight said that nonkinetic weapons can produce three kinds of strategic effects: A lightning decapitation strike against leaders; covert, undetected surprise attack to disable leadership; and insidious ongoing attacks that degrade leadership analysis, defensive systems and strategic warning.”

“Military leaders are not doing enough to prepare for these kinds of attacks that represent a sixth war-fighting domain after air, land, sea, space and cyber.

The weapons will be used to target human neurobiological and biophysical vulnerabilities.

Mr. McCreight warned that the Army may be overconfident that its future soldiers can be protected by new forms of defenses such as exoskeletons, cyborg add-ons, special biophysical tools, artificial intelligence tools and other technology.”

“In particular, neuro-strike weapons are game-changing arms that target the central nervous system, neuromechanics, and inner ear and balance systems. The result is covert, silent, undetected damage to cognitive functions, perception, brain functions, reasoning, judgment and decision-making.

“It is effective and debilitating, leaving its victims unable to perform normal brain functions for many years,” Mr. McCreight wrote.”

““If future neuro-strike technology expansion in scope and effect exceeds individual attacks to impair dozens or hundreds of victims neurologically, the enemy has a concrete strategic edge,” he added.

A likely concept of employment in war would be to launch nonkinetic attacks prior to the start of kinetic hostilities, or for use in long-term efforts to degrade leaders’ brain function.”

““War has started to shift from the pursuit of destroying bodies to paralyzing and controlling the opponent,” the report said.”


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