Black Triangular Shaped UFO Sighted Over Karlsruhe in Germany On October 1, 2023.

“Black Triangular Shaped UFO Sighted Over Karlsruhe in Germany On October 1, 2023.
The Hidden Underbelly 2.0
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“Coast to Coast AM
Watch: Strange Black Triangular UFO Filmed Floating Over City in Germany.”

“Watch: Strange Black Triangular UFO Filmed Floating Over City in Germany
October 02, 2023
By Tim Binnall
A bewildered witness in Germany was left scratching their head when they spotted what appeared to be a black triangular craft floating in the sky. The puzzling scene was reportedly filmed on Sunday evening by an unnamed individual in the city of Karlsruhe. According to the witness, the aerial anomaly resembled a “paper glider-like object,” but it maneuvered in such an unusual fashion that they were ultimately left uncertain as to what it could have been.

Intriguingly, they went on to reveal that their phone began experiencing technical issues moments after they filmed the weird UFO over the city, leading to speculation that some kind of ‘alien interference’ was to blame. As for what the object could have been, setting aside the extraterrestrial hypothesis, some have suggested that the oddity could be a drone or a similar remote controlled vehicle…What do you think was filmed over Karlsruhe on Sunday evening?”

vor 20 Stunden
I captured a static invisible tr3b type hovering in one spot on a clear night no clouds. Only visible in full spectrum and flir. NV and infrared it was invisible. I would post the link but it won’t show up here. Glad to see you back at it. I’m posting again myself.”

vor 21 Stunden: We can only dream of achieving such engineering. We put billions in the f-35 and it cant even do half the stuff UAP do.”

vor 10 Stunden
How interesting that the dark fleet craft is over its old homeland…”

vor 21 Stunden
It is what it is, could highly be a TR3B.”

vor 1 Sekunde
No…. they are not cone shaped…

“@jfun7740: vor 23 Stunden: Appears to be a Boeing F/A-XX or some variant. Supposedly just a concept at this moment.

@chronichols2551 vor 23 Stunden: That’s one of ours,just like the stealth bomber back in the 90s. Just wait a few more years and it’ll be made public.”

“@mannycalavera1473: vor 23 Stunden: It´s the anaconda from elite – dangerous.”

“@dannyturner7967: vor 22 Stunden: We have black triangle shaped things in the Us Air Force.”

“@Tam-Australia: vor 23 Stunden: You are right about these things affecting phones. As you know I’ve encountered UAPs and even the day after I filmed one the night before the next day my phone recorded a strange interference when filming in the area I had encountered it. I’ve seen a number since but have to wonder if it’s military or Gov crafts that we don’t know about yet that affects technology. All I know is that UAPs exist and thanks Underbelly for continuing to shine a light on these things. I always thought it was BS until I started experiencing them for myself! I expect it will be the same for many people until they have their own experiences. 😊”

vor 23 Stunden
Interesting. The way it moves is not like a conventional or known plane… But because of this definitely seems man-made.”

vor 23 Stunden (bearbeitet)
Looks like it should have been an example of the infamous TR-3B, but this example, may be a bit too small. Could also be a drone, oversized RC airplane or an experimental prototype being tested. Overall, the flight path of it seems more conventional- except for the slight pivot that it does briefly. It kind of also behaves like something that would be more akin to antigravity behavior. So, that’s why I tend to lean towards “prototype”….Too many things are going on all at once everywhere, so it´s hard to tell.”

vor 0 Sekunden
Now that´s a surprise…. SSP shows up… This is not a TR3B…. another unknown thing from USAF…

“A bewildered witness in Germany was left scratching their head when they spotted what appeared to be a black triangular craft floating in the sky. The puzzling scene was reportedly filmed on Sunday evening by an unnamed individual in the city of Karlsruhe. According to the witness, the aerial anomaly resembled a “paper glider-like object,” but it maneuvered in such an unusual fashion that they were ultimately left uncertain as to what it could have been.”

517690cookie-checkBlack Triangular Shaped UFO Sighted Over Karlsruhe in Germany On October 1, 2023.
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