Georgia Guidestones damaged by explosive device, GBI says

“Georgia Guidestones damaged by explosive device, GBI says
138.947 Aufrufe 06.07.2022”

“there’s been an explosion at georgia guidestones new video just in shows damage to the guide stones in elberton county the gbi and local officials are investigating this
explosion, they say someone detonated an explosive device around 4 a.m the guide
stones are located on highway 77 in elberton.”

252.000 Abonnenten
The GBI is investigating after the mysterious monument was destroyed.”
“28.535 Aufrufe – 06.07.2022”
120.342 Aufrufe – 06.07.2022”

“Georgia Guidestones Destroyed by Massive Explosion
33.816 Aufrufe – Premiere vor 19 Stunden”

Conspiracy Revelation: 7.7.2022: It was not the work of a Pro…otherwise they would have destroyed the entire thing with a real effective explosion…or it was masked as an amateur destruction by the feds..It looks like it has been done by a private individual.

Destroying the Georgia guidestone is in real life censorship.

In 10 years they will be able to completely deny it ever existed and by 15 years the only mention of the guidestone will be a wikipedia page talking how it was a nazi conspiracy theory hoax and completely debunked.

You idiots.

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Luke Rudkowski
Down go the Georgia Guidestones!”

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🔴🤔So CERN fires back up yesterday (they use Shiva as a logo/symbolism), and this morning the Georgia Guidestone written in Hindi/Swahili gets destroyed sometime between 3-4am (the witching hour, which is hugely important for [them]). 🧐

This was a message.”

492130cookie-checkGeorgia Guidestones damaged by explosive device, GBI says
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