VaxGenocide Casualties Mixed…2023…

VaxGenocide Casualties Mixed…2023…

“1 month ago
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Caught On Film At Badminton Hall 💉(2023)”

2 months ago
#VaxAttack On Live Television In Russia (2023)”

“2 months ago
News Reporter Suffers A Sudden #VaxAttack On Live Television 💉(2023)”

” 30 days ago
Safe & Effective: Man From Colombia Collapses Dead On The Sidewalk 💉(2023)”

” 1 month ago
Female 7-11 Employee Falls To The Ground Convulsing 💉(2023)”

“1 month ago
Vaccinated Soldier Suddenly Collapses (2023)
#vaxgenocide #vaccinegenocide #VaccineInjuries #vaccinedeaths #covidbc #vaccine #vaccinesideeffects #adversereactions”

“1 month ago
Fish Out Of Water Syndrome – Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects (2023)”

5 weeks ago
What is wrong with these people all around him?! Are they just that used to seeing people flop around and die?! I could never walk past like it was none of my business. That is your fellow man! He at least deserved to have someone hold his hand and try to comfort him! …and, like one of the previous comments, take his mask off!! God, please move on the hearts of mankind.”

5 weeks ago
My GOD Nobody cares.”

5 weeks ago

And no one came to his aid? That’s as horrific as what is happening to this man!!! How disgraceful.”

1 week ago

I’ve never been so horrified. I’ve seen lots of these jab victims drop and convulse but this man breaks my heart. If it’s in China maybe people are ordered to ignore?”

“1 month ago.
Young Vaccine-Injured Woman Begs Someone To “Chop Her Head Off” To End Her Misery (2022)”

6 weeks ago
They KNOW what they did… They’re (“Dr”) complicit cowards who are gaslighting their victims.”

6 weeks ago
She agreed to take it.
She could have fought like I did. She might have been financially disadvantaged in the short term, but would be ok now.”

6 weeks ago
I don’t think that’s what she needs to hear right now, compassion required.”

5 weeks ago
I agree but many people were not able to resist the extreme mass formation psychosis that went on when we were in the middle of this. I pity this poor woman and all the people who were injured and trusted government and believed them.”

6 weeks ago
Take Nattokinase.”

6 weeks ago
Government get right out of my health, and wealth! Be gone Government..”

6 weeks ago
I’ll never understand how this crime continues in plain sight.”

6 weeks ago
She needs to go to and get on the appropriate protocol. But, since this video is so old and recycled, she’s probably dead.”

” 1 month ago
Vaxxed Security Guard Suffers A Sudden Cardiac Arrest And Passes Away (2023)”

“1 month ago
Young Boy Dropped To The Ground With A Seizure 💉 (2023)”

1 month ago
Sudden Medical Emergency On The Street 💉(2023)

“We have shared hundreds of videos of people suddenly collapsing into convulsions and dying. This type of footage was not a thing before the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out. It appears as if the man is being “cooked” alive, maybe the graphene oxide inside of his body is reacting with the frequencies from the 5G death towers.”

“5 months ago
mRNA Brain Glitch – Frozen In Time”

511090cookie-checkVaxGenocide Casualties Mixed…2023…
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