Twitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets

“Twitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets”

“Thousands of people logged complaints about problems accessing Twitter on Saturday after owner Elon Musk limited most users to viewing 600 tweets a day — restrictions he described as an attempt to prevent unauthorized scraping of potentially valuable data from the site
Via AP news wire
1 hour ago”

“Thousands of people logged complaints about problems accessing Twitter on Saturday after owner Elon Musk limited most users to viewing 600 tweets a day — restrictions he described as an attempt to prevent unauthorized scraping of potentially valuable data from the site.”
“#TwitterDown hashtag to trend in some parts of the world.”

“The restrictions could result in users being locked out of Twitter for the day after scrolling through several hundred tweets.”


511780cookie-checkTwitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets
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Eine Antwort zu Twitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets

  1. GERAL SOSBEE sagt:

    Most Americans allow fbi Gestapo to overthrow our government. Shame, as many Americans are not concerned about the torture, imprisonment, suffering & death of our people at the direction of fbi psychopaths. Straighten Up Please.

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