Social-Stream of the Days until 15.5.2024

Conspiracy Revelation: 15.5.2024: Social-Stream of the Days until 15.5.2024
„Alex Jones
Maria Zeee: Nanobots Inside People are programming Humanity.
„What has been very clear is that the Nanotechnology is self-assembling and that it is evolving and the amounts we see in the blood is exponentially growing and what I mean is also the unvaccinated, because what I have been saying from the beginning that this technology does shed, it is self-spreading, the symptoms what people call long-covid, I call it the disease of self-assembling Nanotechnology, because these Technologies they can contain payloads, but they also can assemble into technology,.. the idea of hacking humans and making cyborgs, creating automatons, in my research I have been documenting self-assembling mesogens. What are these? So these are dna biosensors that are also literally able to create antennas, they are able to genetically modify people. They are able to act in a way that is truly this Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI), the fusion of humanity is happening. The natural human species that is unmodified, these are topics that we have to address.“


„We are actually going to be discussing some of the capabilities of the Nanotechnology that has been injected into Humanity…I think that people need to understand how multi-faceted and advanced the technologies are that are now in everyones blood.“

„We need really to discuss this changing Nanotechnology.“
„We have now..synthetic cells in the body, synthetic materials coming out of peoples urine…Plasmonic liquid nanomachines that can be used for soft-robotics.“

„They can fit 1000 Billion Nano-Robots into Vaccine..then they essentially hook these humans up to Computers and they can control them remotely ..with A.I.“

„The emergence of the Nanobot-Society..University in Israel in 2013.“

„Microrobots and Nanorobots and how they self-assemble and really how the blood is being tranformed into a polymer Mesh-Network and these Robots are literally in charge of transforming the human blood, they are using the human blood as an energy source.“

„This bi-directional Telemetry, they are absolutely able to externally be controlled.“

„This is really an extraordinary Threat to Humanity..that Humanity has now these things swimming in their blood..and they are creating these polymers that again are part of the technology, but they are also part of this synthetic biology-fusion…and then all of that is then hjiacking the human lifeforce and human electricity, causing all these diseases of aging, so you have this accelerated process of aging, even in the unvaccinated…we are, as humanity, facing and extinction level event, this stuff sheds, so people in their social interactions they are affected…and then diseases also happen. ..Extremely fast swimming micro-robot…A.I.“

„Weaponized Nanotechnology.“

„The goal is not even Human 2.0, the goal is Human 3.0 and no humanity will be left.“

„And so it is absolutely for real and this self-replication, it is also written about as the Grey Goo Scenario,..could potentially create an extinction level event to our Biosphere, because you are never allowed to have self-replication uncontrolled in a bio-systerm, because it will just take over all of the energy in the system and ultimately nothing is left, but the robot and the host is dead.“

„Mesogens are DNA-Sensors and Smart Materials (Metamaterials) and for example Nanotechnology for Morgellons Disease…and specifically out of Morgellons Victims came, what is called Mesogens, and it looks like a plastic chip… it has multiple colors, but there are Antennas in there that are able to transmit information and ultimately Mind Control people…a deep dive how Polymers can self-assemble as Nanowires, semiconductor capabilities, they can build capacitors, ..chiral optical capabilities…these nanowires that can connect with these quantum dots… Those who have been heavily shedded upon now have the same technology in them… They want to transform all of humanity, absolute surveillance of every cell,.. they want to digitize every microbe, every living organism and genetical engineer it and fuse it with synthetic biology…mesogens…it means that the unvaccinated are changing too and we are literally fighting for the surival of the human species.“

„It is absolutely catastrophic..we have Rand Corp…“


„We are facing a biological technological weapon.“

„Good things happen to those who do not want to Micromanage you.“

„Du hast repostet
Vishnu 📉📈
They killed five African presidents who refused Covid Vaccination.

Japanese PM killed for rejecting Vaccines.

People don’t wake up even after this.
Dr. Syed Mohd Murtaza
Assassination attempt on PM of Slovakia. Seriously wounded by multiple shots, Robert Fico recently said that he would investigate his government’s COVID response and the corrupt policies that k!lled his people.“

I keep getting impacted by something that is causing muscle contractions and spasms strong enough to flick my wrist and move joints.
#v2k #ahi #ti #dew“

Ingmar Veeck
You see, I am a Karma Gnana Shakti Kundalini Infinity Yogi, but with a lot of objective Realism. We stay close to Facts and Truth.
Ingmar Veeck
Imagine they would send RAMA/KRISHNA again… he would be DNA-INFILTRATED, fully internally tortured by Predatory A.I. and occupied to fight within his own body, instead of being able to save the Planet… because of Xeno-DNA-Hybridization of the Human Species.
Ingmar Veeck
Imagine you give your best soldiers for Truth bodies that do not even last 50 years…you can never bring Avatars to life and save a Planet, with such short living fragile bodies…The Heroes Saga will fail always due to the Poison of Time, lack of Time-Persistence. It ends always as a rat race against TIME.
Ingmar Veeck
We must abandon Myth and focus on Facts…Time is too short for losing yourself in Myth…Reality proves most of them wrong.
Ingmar Veeck
If the deities would care about all the holy anointed ones, morgellons would be indeed a figment of imagination, instead of a cover up of DARPAS Bioweapons.
Ingmar Veeck
If the deities had a little power on Earth, they would have granted us non-aging bodies, that last at least 1000 years.
Ingmar Veeck
The absolute disgrace to destroy the Human Species and even more disgraceful that the deities do not intervene, in I would guard my Species and never let it infiltrate by foreign evil entities.
Ingmar Veeck
If the deities had a little power in this world, they would have prevented a BRAIN-COMPUTER-INTERFACE fused with Predatory A.I. that tortures and remote controls millions of people at once.
Ingmar Veeck
Why the deities do not care about its Universe and especially this precious planet? Couldn´t happen in All the Hindu Myths showcase not reality. (relating to the adverse effects of the NWO Conspiracy)
Wide Awake Media
The Covid era: Will future generations look back at this time as the most embarrassing period in human history?

Ingmar Veeck
14. Mai
Exactly the reason why they censor you all on this Fascist Platform, like they cover up all their crimes at NIH.GOV and call people crazy, the classical Nazi tactic.
14. Mai
My neighbours complaining about vax issues amongst their relatives….one guy is paralised…another one died of heart attack….some others having different issues.

Ingmar Veeck
14. Mai
13. Mai
Odysee will be built on new technology that ensures total immutability and censorship resistance for users

Odysee will be part of a Decentralized Media Ecosystem

Announcement soon.

Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
The God is within you as
Shiva & Shakti, Soul & Strength,
Also God is within Your Mind & Speech as Ganesh,
Also God is within Your Wisdom & Knowledges as Brahma.

So do in Nature,
God Exists that Way.

That’s why We don’t See any Gods,
Only by Passing Lvls, We See them.

Ingmar Veeck
14. Mai
On Quora they Question if Shiva is Lucifer…Rudolf Steiner clearly associates Shiva with Lucifer and Christ with Krishna/Vishnu, that is at least the western theosophical transliteration essay…

Ingmar Veeck
14. Mai
Satan is a Child of Brahma, very few know this.
Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
14. Mai
Eurovision 2024 is just another satanic ritual. And many believe satan is male. But in reality it is female demon, that come to avenge the human race.
Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
14. Mai
You mean daksha?
Ingmar Veeck
14. Mai
No… I think it is Shani…
Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
No not him.
Shani is actually Force of Universe to make Balance & Justice.
Ingmar Veeck
Shani = Saturn = Satan.
Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
No, that is western idea, not same as eastern. It’s totally different like sugar & chili. Shani = saturn is astrology term, it has nothing to do with satan. Satan is asura or Raksha. Western satan = mahishasura or kali demon.

@thevedicteachings Why Marriages in the same Gothra are prohibited? #hinduism #shiva #vishnu#bramha #ram #hanuman #krishna #bharat #india #gothra #makemefamous #blowthisup #tiktok #foryoupage ♬ original sound – Jay Shree Ram 🙏🙏

„Brahma and Saraswati created this Universe. Among many things they created the 7 sages from which the Humans were also created: Bharadvaj, Brigu, Gautam Kashyap, Vashishta, Vishavmitra..“

@ancientindianstories Ashwathama could have ended all the pandavas if… #krishna #mahabharat #hindu #sanatandharma #hinduism #shorts #viral #foryou #epic #vishnu #storytime #facts #foryoupage #indian #india #for ♬ original sound – ancientindianstories

„Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
It’s really stupid to collectivize people with a leadership that has imposed its will over a population and then declare ‘it’s the Brit’s’ or ‘it’s the Jews’ no it’s an elite power group that function outside the jurisdiction of Parliament, the Crown created by Pope’s Templars.“

„Jagannath Chatterjee
Do you know what the medical profession hates the most and considers quackery?
Do you know what the latest advances in microbiome and cellular health points towards?
Do you know what the latest findings indicate?
„Pharma interventions ruin health.“

„Guy Theobald – #TI – „VICTIM OF „CYBER-TORTURE“
#TI Targeted Individuals #V2K #MKULTRA
Full blown V2K = #RNM #DEW & Much more…
then most can Comprehend.
And was Assured with the Gifted Technetronic Era!“

@hauntedhighwaysuk Discover the fascinating mythology of EA ENKI and his remarkable sons: MARDUK, THOTH, ENOCH, and NOAH. MARDUK, born 300,000 years ago, symbolizes power and authority. THOTH, the wise scribe, emerged 40,000 years ago, known for his knowledge and Egyptian connections. ENOCH, a mysterious sage, bridges Sumerian and Judeo-Christian traditions. NOAH, the preserver of life, is famed for surviving the Great Flood. Explore their intriguing stories and their impact on ancient civilizations. #Mythology #AncientGods #Enki #Marduk #Thoth #Enoch #Noah #SumerianMythology #EgyptianMythology #BiblicalFigures #AncientHistory #Legends #MythologicalStories ♬ original sound – Haunted Highways

Haunted Highways
Discover the fascinating mythology of EA ENKI and his remarkable sons: MARDUK, THOTH, ENOCH, and NOAH. MARDUK, born 300,000 years ago, symbolizes power and authority. THOTH, the wise scribe, emerged 40,000 years ago, known for his knowledge and Egyptian connections. ENOCH, a mysterious sage, bridges Sumerian and Judeo-Christian traditions. NOAH, the preserver of life, is famed for surviving the Great Flood. Explore their intriguing stories and their impact on ancient civilizations. #Mythology #AncientGods #Enki #Marduk #Thoth #Enoch #Noah #SumerianMythology #EgyptianMythology #BiblicalFigures #AncientHistory #Legends #MythologicalStories“

„Many people believe Thoth is Yeshua, making him Enkis Grandson.
Many people believe Thoth is part of Enkis lineage.“

Conspiracy Revelation: 16.5.2024:
As Raghu is the Grandfather of Rama and fights Indra/Zeus/Jehova/Enlil/Jahwe.


Shrimad Ramayan 14

♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

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