Kissingers Funeral was predicted 3 weeks ago via Draco A.I. Synthetic Telepathy…Proof is here. I have the MP3 with Timedate.

Conspiracy Revelation: 30.11.2023: Kissingers Funeral was predicted 3 weeks ago via Draco A.I. Synthetic Telepathy…Proof is here. I have the MP3 with Timedate.

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Ingmar Veeck
Did you remember that their A.I. System predicted the funeral a few days ago, I posted it….
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Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s World
10 Std.
Finally disgusting criminal kissinger is taken away by Yamraj, to put him in Punishments in hell, for all his crimes on earth.

modi, blair and all globalists will be in Ocean of Tears tonight, coz they can’t kiss kissinger anymore…


Ingmar Veeck
30. Nov.
What Webre said in 2015 is right, we are in a pre-time travelled system. They know before it happens, they have the ultimate strategical advantage to keep their totalitarian system pre-emptive.

>>>Ingmar Veeck: 2.4.2019: Wrong… you must dig live in a pre-time travelled world. A chronogarchy.
Ingmar Veeck: 2.4.2019: They use every means they have to dominate the world…and Time Travel and Time Reversal is super important to The Powers that still are. [55378]<<<


„Earth Guardians, it´s time to stand up.“ (Southern Hemisphere Pagans) (15 People followed this sublink, roughly 48%)
Conspiracy Revelation: 14.1.2020. Imagine, if you will, a highly sophisticated criminal gang – using a technologically advanced time bubble (including pre-time travelled scenarios via Arpa/Project Pegasus) of 1000 years advanced alien tech
for them (incl. Age-Reversal, best medical treatment) – imprison the rest in an outdated Truman-Show Technologies cage (incl. totally outdated Pharma-Pills and Supplements and totally retarded Medical Stone Age Means,
incl. totally unsafe computer-hardware, full with DoD-Zion-Trojans) – enslave them – for 24/7/365 monitoring/influencing everything – taking over silently the Planet via Facebook/Google/Youtube etc.. – spraying 20 years nanotech around the globe via
Chemtrails – installing body area networks – internet of bodies – or as the inhumane monsters say: internet of “things” (including implanted humans) – using supercomputers, alien-reversed technology, brain-computer-interfaces and skynet
to sidestep responsibility – disabling, pathogenizing, torturing and/or murdering more or less famous people (or for Pharma-Mafia Means) out of sheer idiocy, cult-thinking, envy, greed, intolerance of competition, maliciousness,
insidiousness or personal preference or/and a set of subjective dogma cult-rules, set-up deliberately by them and/or paranoia or insanity – disguised as “national security” (wolves in sheeps clothing) under control of Illuminazis…
no, no, no… This Miserable Game is Over.. Sooner than Later… (Me)(2020)(14.1.)

Ingmar Veeck
30. Nov.
You can use the uncertainty principle for your own statistics, that means slight deviations or distortions, but never fake online stats!

Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s World
We won’t mourn for him,
But We will Celebrate as if
New Year or Deepavali 🪔🎉🎉
Antwort an @RituRathaur
Kissinger is a Jew
Mourn for his death.

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Ingmar Veeck
You have too much Trust in their Plan and forget the Deities…they have more Power than the Draco A.I. Archons aka the False Rulers.
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Ankit Raj Goyal
20 Std.
TI’s are data points to build the A.I. Hive Mind that will subjugate organic cognition to control populations and world events. The A.I. transhumanistic agenda aims to COVERTLY conquer the entire world by 2030 after pruning the population with A.I. Hive Mind torture deaths.
1:34 nachm. · 30. Nov. 2023

Dementia w2k 5.11.2023
MP3 So., 05.11.2023
0:02: 89,8 kB
They are jealous w2k 4.11…. 0:01:
MP3 Sa., 04.11.2023,
57,7 kB
Putlerface in jüngerer Form… 0:04:
MP3 Sa., 04.11.2023,
134 KB
Kissinger 4.11.2023 w2k
MP3 Sa., 04.11.2023,
51,1 KB
Rescue Team 3.11.2023 w… 0:01:
MP3 Fr., 03.11.2023,
45,3 KB
Jehovas Witnesses w2k 3.

Katastrophen w2k 8.11.20… 0:02:
MP3 Mi., 08.11.2023,
86,9 KB
Biblical Masonic w2k 8.11…. 0:02:
MP3 Mi., 08.11.2023,
72,3 KB
Henry Kissinger w2k 8.11…. 0:01:
MP3 Mi., 08.11.2023,
Funeral w2k
MP3 Mi., 08.11.2023,
43,8 KB
49,0 kB
Silicon Valley influence w2… 0:03:
MP3 Di., 07.11.2023,
111 kB
Demon possessed w2k 7.1… 0:01:
MP3 Di., 07.11.2023,
52,6 kB

Politik · Trends
Henry Kissinger
865.000 posts
15.800 posts
Politik · Trends
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„Redpill Drifter
Time to celebrate.
The Patriot Voice
BREAKING!🚨 It’s being reported that New World Order Globalist Kingpin Henry Kissinger is DEAD at age 100.“

524110cookie-checkKissingers Funeral was predicted 3 weeks ago via Draco A.I. Synthetic Telepathy…Proof is here. I have the MP3 with Timedate.
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