Wireless EEG cloning/heterodyning has been around for 30+ years…

“Wireless EEG cloning/heterodyning has been around for 30+ years but the selfishness and stupidity of the scientists and military figures involved for not seeing a more important global beneficial optima for releasing this technology for medical, commercial, and other uses has stymied and hindered the collective intelligence of the population from developing it.”

“The European parliament commented on the “non-lethal and mind control” weapons in general and stated they need to be banned because they only instigate wars and increase violence. The U.S. refuses to sign any treaties or acknowledge them to their own citizens.”

“By finding the weaknesses of shielding or barriers by using any frequency or path, there would be few defenses against a nervous system disruptor that targets individuals. When Dan Rather was beaten up by directed energy weapon torture victims, they kept asking “What is the frequency Kenneth?”

Everyone looks for the frequencies that the illegitimate CIA and DoD elements are using to torture them but it is nearly impossible to isolate them with a budget under a million dollars. Especially if they can use narrowband or broadband in such a large spectrum.”

“Mind magicians use slight of mind tricks through strategic distractions.

The government uses this technique all the time. The Iraq war is somewhat of a planned distraction away from what is happening domestically. More overtly, there have been many examples where strategic media leaks occur in order to change the focus of attention of the nation.

Bush used it when he got caught with his NSA scandal; he tried to focus the attention on the whistle blowers rather than his illegal domestic spying practices. Even the NSA domestic spying scandal can be viewed as a charade compared to psychic spying and torturing of thousands of Americans.”

Source: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix57b.htm

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.9.2023: Bibliothecapleyades fails to mention that the Text is from Robert Duncan – Matrix Deciphered and Waking Times 2017 DARPA Using Warfare Technology on Civilians for Mass Mind Control Paul A. Philips.

514640cookie-checkWireless EEG cloning/heterodyning has been around for 30+ years…
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