Russell Brand – How Did Google get The Tech to create google maps? Get ready to have your mind blown by Mike Benz #tech

“Russell Brand – How Did Google get The Tech to create google maps? Get ready to have your mind blown by Mike Benz #tech”

@russellbrand How Did Google get The Tech to create google maps? Get ready to have your mind blown by Mike Benz #tech ♬ original sound – Russell Brand

“The Internet was created by the American Military, in order to manage the Amercian Empire. It was created by DARPA in the 1960s, in order to digitize and be able to quickly share within the Military all of their social science research on foreign populations who were posing insurgency concerns to U.S. managed Governments. In 1991 the World Wide Web rolls out.
DARPA turns over the Internet to the National Science Foundation and projects that through a bunch of Universities to make it publicly available.
As soon as the Internet came out, DARPA commissioned a program called Massive Digital Data Systems Program and the Massive Digital Data Systems Program was a joint program of the NSA and the CIA..and this is where Google comes into the Picture..Students of Stanford..They had a DARPA grant to do this search engine 1998…They got Google Maps by purchasing the CIAs Keyhole Satellite Software. It was the CIAs Spy Software that is the only reason why Google got Google Maps.”

567780cookie-checkRussell Brand – How Did Google get The Tech to create google maps? Get ready to have your mind blown by Mike Benz #tech
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