Eric Hecker – Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon | SRS #66 (Part 3)

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“Eric Hecker – Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon | SRS #66 (Part 3) ”
“Shawn Ryan Show
1,74 Mio. Abonnenten
925.111 Aufrufe Premiere am 21.07.2023 Shawn Ryan Show
Last but certainly not least, Eric Hecker closes out our Whistleblower Marathon this week on SRS. Eric is former Navy and contractor for Raytheon, a major U.S. defense contractor. Eric’s position as a firefighter and plumber for the South Pole facility gave him unrestricted access to the compound. During his stay, Eric observed highly advanced directed energy weapons and other technologies beyond what we previously thought possible. Eric has also testified to congress under oath and hopes to bring his experience to the public for the good of humanity.”

Conspiracy Revelation:
Look how Facebook fakes the stats, I posted this in my Group…0 Views but immediately 25 visits on my webpage, either they fake the stats (for sure) or 25 CIA Agents from Zionbook are looking on it. This is the same Palantir Censor Software that is used on Twitter and Telegram and all other anti-social Gov-Networks trying to demoralize Activists through false perceived blockage aka psychological warfare.

Just so that you have 100% proof about what I say is true.

“Q: Um are you aware of any ways to defend against that?
“A: Know thyself.”
“A: It’s an ancient practice and it’s an ancient practice for a reason these modern Technologies are bastardizations
of ancient techniques way back in the day they would call someone a magician who has Adept at this skill I could walk into the room and I would potentially have that skill set to put my thought in your head, it’s just a technique, it’s
completely doable, but now we have people that are no longer going through these schools of nobility to learn to practice these things nicely and we have evil people that are taking Technologies and utilizing them, because
again it’s just simply electromagnetic impulses, that can be read, that can be used, that can be hijacked.”
“Q: Eric is there anything that I’m missing that you want to bring to the public?”
“A: Hmm, that’s a great question. I want to emphasize that we are currently in a state of war that people aren’t realizing State of War… these weapons are being wielded around us against us. There are power players
that are above nation states, geographical boundaries and political parties, mean very little to the wealthy
Elite on this planet, where we’re pawns, we’re cattle, I am a person for the people, we, the people of this planet deserve a better future than the one we are being presented. We´ve all through our Blood, Sweat and Tears, we’ve invested here… we’ve invested our taxpayer dollars for these people to create weapon systems that they’re using against us, this is a Sin, it’s illegal,’s immoral and we have to do better for the future generations of this planet.”
“Q: Are you worried for your safety?”
“A: No…I’m just simply beyond that, I don’t really care what happens to me, I care about doing the right thing.”

513060cookie-checkEric Hecker – Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon | SRS #66 (Part 3)
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