Cause of Death: Nazi Psychotropics – Big Pharma Mafia & The Directed Energy Weapons torture (Fake Mental Diagnosis) (2011 at its peak – state induced torture + dangerous fake treatment)

Cause of Death: Nazi Psychotropics – Big Pharma Mafia & The Directed Energy Weapons torture (Fake Mental Diagnosis) (2011 at its peak – state induced torture + dangerous fake treatment)
“Sudden Death is possible with these Drugs.”

The most ugly side of nwo corporatocracy, zionism, bolshevism, nazism, state-mafia stasi subjugation systems and medical military oligarchy.

“We are dealing with a broken system.”

“Cliff FEW
17. Feb.
Transhumanism and genocide through non-consensual neurological/biological weapons by FBI.
17. Feb.
They all are homosexuals…cowards.
17. Feb.
The cowards work directly with corrupt police and FBI agents to commit genocide upon strong-minded people, they are weak, jealous cowards in satanic cults.
17. Feb.
They are siliconizing the brain, torturing and radiating me, internal take-over from inside prison industrial complex,, these sick bastards control and manipulate our family´s then use them to cover up genocide against strong-minded people.
Cliff FEW
16. Feb.
Over-oxidation of body by gassing through non-consensual neuroweapons. They create disease/illnesses within the body.
Cliff FEW·
15. Feb.
Criminals control and manipulate the minds of our relatives, the government is behind all crime and corruption, they use fear to control and manipulate people, they also torture…beam frequencies into peoples heads, using microwave radiation…
Cliff FEW
17. Feb.
I am being choked in my sleep and my neck and brain is being pressurized, attempted murder through non-consensual neuroweapons by #FBI #police satanic cult ran from #Baltimore City #Detention Center.
Cliff FEW
15. Feb.
My kidneys are being radiated and my liver non-consensual neurological weapon in my right ankle satellite torture.”
Cliff FEW
Wake up with massive headache head/brain full of silicone and being compressed. Arms shaking body very pressurized and tight. They are trying to kill me in my sleep. They are creating conditions within the body through non-consensual neuroweapons. Body is full of mucus.
Cliff FEW
Sick cowards use anominity to torture you under guise of #FBI #NSA #FISA #FRAUD psychotronic weaponry used to shake feet, all of these coward are employed by #FBI and local #police. American #Stazi #illuminati #deepstate sick bastards talking through my stomach #FBI place bounties.

526480cookie-checkCause of Death: Nazi Psychotropics – Big Pharma Mafia & The Directed Energy Weapons torture (Fake Mental Diagnosis) (2011 at its peak – state induced torture + dangerous fake treatment)
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