Just some Synthetic Telepathy Bullshit from the Coward Criminals in Action through Quantum A.I. BCI ELF

Conspiracy Revelation: 15.8.2023: Just some Synthetic Telepathy Bullshit from the Coward Criminals in Action through Quantum A.I. BCI ELF…I have to spread on my own homepages, Telegram is completely censored, Twitter is 98% censored and Facebook 99% censored… they think they can shut up the Truth… But God/dess will remove their power through me…I notice the traffic on this page is also throttled…strange….3 views only… the whole internet seems to be under some sort of monstrous Gov-Restriction-System aka DoD/ARPA/CIA A.I. Plasma Monster Censorship. But: In every nonsense there is Truth disguised…cross-reference check with objective Reality and find out what Truth is to be found here.

Image To Text:

Suffocate w2k
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
131 kB
Nazis bwfrag
MP3 Mi., 12.07.202,
0:02: 88,4 kB
Prepare yourself 12 7 23
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
77,4 kB
David Icke
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
250 kB
Bw frags Japanese Killer Instinct… 0:03:
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
95,7 kB
Bw frags The Reptilians Krokodilians… 0:03:
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
99,3 kB
Assange divorced 12 7 23
MP3 Mi., 12.07.2023,
119 kB
Decades ahead in time 5 7… 0:23:
MP3 Mi., 05.07.2023,
732 KB
132 kB
depend on you – the enemies… 0:20:
MP3 Di., 04.07.2023,
653 kB
Nicht unsere Gedanken. Un… 0:09:
MP3 Mo., 03.07.2023,
294 KB
Adversity jealousy 3 7 23 w… 0:10:
MP3 Mo., 03.07.2023,
329 kB
KALIFORNISCHE Überwacher… 0:04:
MP3 Mo., 03.07.2023,
148 kB
Energieshift sofort über lin… 0:08:
MP3 Mo 03.07.2023
275 kB

Nazification vs Russification… 0:07:
MP3 Di., 27.06.202
240 kB
Sibirien Putin
MP3 Mo., 26.06.2023
123 kB
..Vlad Putin…26.6.2023
MP3 Mo., 26.06.2023
W2k Vietnam 26.6.2023
MP3 Mo., 26.06.2023,
James Bond – Fda
MP3 Mo., 26.06.2023,
0:05: 54 kB
0:06: 198 kB
123 kB
115 kB
Celebrity injury – Kremlin – 2… 0:12:
MP3 So., 25.06.2023,(
380 kB

Christ Consciousness w2k
MP3 Heute, 11:04
0:02: 94,2 kB
Lightworker Last Incarnation… 0:09:
MP3 Heute, 11:01
294 KB
Enlil w2k 90 mtesla Müdigkeit… 0:16:
MP3 Do., 10.08.2023
508 kB
I am a healer. W2k
MP3 Di., 08.08.2023, 12:53
104 kB
They are envious…intdim Ih… 0:13:
MP3 Di., 08.08.2023, 12:2lhcc
They siphon off your energy MP3 Di., 08.08.2023, 12:15
432 kB
59,2 kB
You are the most beautiful… 0:06:
MP3 Di., 08.08.2023, 12:14
191 kB

513480cookie-checkJust some Synthetic Telepathy Bullshit from the Coward Criminals in Action through Quantum A.I. BCI ELF
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