The Follower Scam @ Facebook…1000 Followers but only 2 can see your postings..

Conspiracy Revelation: 2.9.2023: The Follower Scam @ Facebook…1000 Followers but only 2 can see your postings..

Conspiracy Revelation Archive has altogether probably 60000 Followers combining all Archives (eventually even 100000 to 150000 in 173 Archives)…but only 1 per Archive can see a posting…That is a total waste of efficacy… intentionally done by Zion/NWO/CIA/NSA/DOD to block our progress of world liberation.


PS: They want you to pay for views….in 2013 they had no pay for view filter at CIA-Nazionbook…therefore they used the U.S. Military to shoot down your access devices to Fakebook including planting cmos trojans into your computers, I documented can find it if you want.

514030cookie-checkThe Follower Scam @ Facebook…1000 Followers but only 2 can see your postings..
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