„#UATV #UATV_English #UkraineNews
Russian war against Ukraine: day 28
8.647 Aufrufe
„It is dangerous to be outside, the occupiers are shooting people.“
„The woman who was just riding her bicycle to the city was just shot.“
„#UATV #UATV_English #UkraineNews
Russian war against Ukraine: day 28
8.647 Aufrufe
„It is dangerous to be outside, the occupiers are shooting people.“
„The woman who was just riding her bicycle to the city was just shot.“
Telegram-Channel: https://t.me/ConspiracyRevelation2022
Telegram-Stream-Channel: https://t.me/s/ConspiracyRevelation2022
Old men are dangerous it doesn't matter to them what is going to happen to the world. (George Bernard Shaw)
A patient cured is a customer lost. Say this again: A patient cured is a customer lost. (Robert Bob Beck)
"If God is within each man, then the enemy of man is any top-heavy system claiming a monopoly on truth and dispensing it downward. Why eventually will laws be necessary at all? I foresee a godly anarchy. No authority here on earth will have to
tell any man what to do, or even educate him; the Logos will do that - link him up. A truly egalitarian society should result. (Philip K. Dick) [8114]"
Was die Erfahrung aber und die Geschichte lehren, ist dieses, daß Völker und Regierungen niemals etwas aus der Geschichte gelernt und nach Lehren, die aus derselben zu ziehen gewesen wären, gehandelt haben. (G.W.F. Hegel)