David Icke Just Got Banned from EU for Two Years, Labeled a “Level 3 Terrorist” by Governments

“David Icke Just Got Banned from EU for Two Years, Labeled a “Level 3 Terrorist” by Governments
272.000 Abonnenten
11.262 Aufrufe 04.11.2022
– Conspiracy author David Icke has been banned from entering the EU and designated as a “level three terrorist,” according to his son Gareth Icke.

The public speaker and former BBC television host was due to attend an event in Amsterdam this weekend, but will now reportedly be prevented from entering any country in the European Union for a period of two years.

“Received an email from the Dutch. My dad, David Icke, has been banned from entering the EU for two years,” tweeted Gareth Icke. “They claim he is a “level three terrorist,” he added.”

497330cookie-checkDavid Icke Just Got Banned from EU for Two Years, Labeled a “Level 3 Terrorist” by Governments
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