Russian Inokhodets drones destroy Ukrainian military targets.
“Russian Inokhodets drones destroy Ukrainian military targets.”
“38.191 Aufrufe – 17.03.2022”
“…these drones have great specifications that are superior to the Turkish Bayraktar drones, which cannot meet the conditions and requirements of Russian war production.”

“Stifflersmom44: vor 2 Stunden:
Thanks for posting pro russia content. As much as it sucks to see, it’s needed.”

“pigeon: vor 5 Stunden:
Do not build your own happiness on the misery of others.
It is in the happiness of others that there is also one’s own happiness.”

“Mark Trujillo: vor 5 Stunden: Time to fly drones into Moscow right out of Ukraine. 🇺🇦”

“Commie Pig: vor 5 Stunden: Someday Moscow will get a taste of drones too.”

480840cookie-checkRussian Inokhodets drones destroy Ukrainian military targets.
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