Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years
“TheRANDCorporation (aka CIA Think Tank who works in collusion with remote torturous NWO Totalitarism)
33.600 Abonnenten
10.471 Aufrufe vor 2 Jahren”
“IoB devices can track, record, and store users’ whereabouts, bodily functions, and what they see, hear, and even think. These devices vary greatly in how they are used—some are freestanding, such as infusion pumps and sensor-equipped hospital beds; others are wearable, such as health trackers and prosthetics; and others are implanted, such as cardiac devices and ingestible digital pills.
To help illustrate the function of different IoB technologies, Giorgia Lupi designed a series of device cards.”
Historical Reference Link concerning Rand Corp.: (Always understand the Infosource and their hidden plans)