Conspiracy Revelation: 9.6.2024: Latest W2k, ELF-BCI-Skynet Interlinking, Synthetic Telepathy Messages, Social Stream of
the Day – 9.6.2024.
Ingmar Veeck
Goddess overseeing everything…
11:50 vorm. · 9. Juni 2024
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Niclas Q
17. Jan.
🎯 Me planning my next move to crash the Matrix❗️💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️
“Du hast repostet
Ron Patton
8. Juni
Cognitive warfare is no longer science fiction – it is a fact and anyone, whether they are civilians or military, are potential targets.”
Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
How often do you want to repost the SHAME OF THE WORLD, they all work for NWO CRIMINALS TO ENSLAVE HUMANITY FROM THE INSIDE OUT!
World Index
Best Universities for Medicine 2024
1.🇬🇧 University of Oxford
2.🇺🇸 Harvard University
3.🇬🇧 University of Cambridge
4.🇬🇧 Imperial College London
5.🇺🇸 Stanford University
6.🇺🇸 Johns Hopkins University
7.🇬🇧 UCL
8.🇺🇸 Yale University
9.🇨🇦 University of Toronto
10.🇺🇸 University of Pennsylvania
(Times Higher Education)
4:23 nachm. · 7. Juni 2024
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Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
Everything does not happen to the advancement of humanity, unfortunately also the Gita fails in its arguments.
CHEMTRAILS are a planetwide disaster and a Crime against GODDESS EARTH!!!
Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
!!!!Not even the worst devil, nor the highest deity would be happy if creation would be destroyed or micromanage-stalked 24/7/365 via Brain-Invasive A.I. NANITES from Chemtrails!!!!
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Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
Antwort an
I still can´t believe that any deity or demon, high or low, in orbit could allow such a weak af, super-cowardly act…couldn´t happen in…
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Elektra Angel
7. Juni
Essentially they need to keep replenishing the graphene in the human body every three months- so how do you do that on a mass scale – put it in the water/food sources.
Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
Paranoid Pistorius gang…you don’t think that God wanted such cowards in power, who infiltrate brains to feel strong and torture people remotely via satellite at the push of a computer button. Pathetic, loser mafia gang!
Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
Paranoide Pistorius Bande…ihr denkt doch nicht, dass Gott solche Feiglinge an der Macht haben wollte, die Gehirne infiltrieren, um sich stark zu fühlen und Leute per Computerknopfdruck über Satellite fernfoltern. JÄMMERLICHE VERSAGERMAFIABANDE!
Ingmar Veeck
8. Juni
You look on this FASCIST Platform – This Paranoid Police Station – Not even writing something – Just scrolling – and the paranoid ALPHABET PSYCHOPATHS give you a ring in your right Ear. CIA Psychos.
“Narayana doesn´t fight, he is more of loving and caring deity. Vishnu on the other hand, is a war deity, who usually fights with enemies. Narayana doesn´t have shastra, Vishnu has shastra and four hands. Vishnu is a solar deity whereas narayana is a cosmic deity.” (Source:
Ingmar Veeck
5. Juni
In a free society we can keep quiet – in digital censor totalitarism we can´t write or say enough.
8. Juni
“Tik Tok !!! Takes over state surveillance.”
“Du hast repostet
Wireless Warrior
Around 750 million people are thought to suffer from #tinnitus. Tinnitus (AKA #MicrowaveHearing), along with heart palpitations and brain fog are classic health effects connected to overexposure to wireless radiation.
BIG ACCOUNTS – why are you not investigating this?”
Elektra Angel
8. Juni
Antwort an
Just was abruptly woken up- the high piercing- if I could state on this platform in totality how i physically feel right now- it feels like slowly expiring/as if fading away/lifeless- It’s that bad. And imagine the beautiful animals and the beautiful earth. 💔
Ingmar Veeck
9. Juni
Täter können nur Menschen sein: Die A Zugriff zu MBan Wban Medizintechnik Biotech haben. B Zugriff Auf Militär oder Forschungssatelliten und Super Quantencomputer K.I. Computer haben, K.I. Forschungsinstitute. Militärbehörden oder Polizeibehörden oder Geheimdienste,
Milliardäre und radikalisierte Sekten, wie U.N. u.v.a.
C IEEE Nanotech Netzwerktechniker und Nutzer von High Tech Fernwartungsmenschen von Internet of Nano Things und Internet of Bodies und Bionano Thngs.
10:25 vorm. · 9. Juni 2024
25 Mal angezeigt
@theawakening70♬ original sound – The-Awakening
Ingmar Veeck
Mit Öffentlich geteilt
We love problem…
“I Love Dragons:
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.”— Friedrich Nietzsche”
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
Indrani 430 billion years of age ok.. Summarized 5 Universes seen in Creation and Destruction.
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
It is the same in all Religions… the difference is that they are not favored by him..that makes them envious.
Exit The Matrix
Abrahamic religions still worship the ancient Anunnaki. The fish god known as Enki, Dagon, Oannes is represented by the Roman Catholic Mitre. The Mitre is called the Helmet of Salvation in the Bible.
Keine Insights vorhanden
Ingmar Veeck
She isn’t aware that she is under elf bci mk ultra… like most of the non-reactives.
This is a militarized platform from DoD/Cia/Zion and the feds.. btw.. they are designed to keep people in blue box traps of shadow banning…
“Ahana Ghosh
Dear friends:
1. I am tired of posting birds every day. I have been doing so for the past four years. Also tired of the number of pictures being taken out of my timeline every day. Each day there is some attractive lady(generally a man with female profile) or a general of the army who steals pictures posted by me (I know this because I write the location and description myself).
2. I like birds, animals, flowers, landscapes and everything that I find beautiful (including Hindu art and architecture).
3. Most popular pictures of birds are from Instagram. It takes few minutes to download a picture and write the name of the photographer and location.
4. Most of the time, the name of the photographer is cut out from the picture by so called digital creators.
5. From tomorrow I will try to post more wildlife and nature (including flowers)
6. Birds (from Instagram) will be for groups. Join these groups if you are interested in seeing pictures of birds. Also I don’t post reels. Neither post funny pictures or pictures stolen from pages. Yes, I will certainly post birds in my timeline till November after which I will lock my profile.
7. I need no friends or followers. I am fed up of the rubbish comments which I see in my timeline.
8. Inspite of trying to post good quality pictures of birds every day, I am disappointed to find that I have few shares. Maybe because of over posting. Also irritating are comments from people who are not my followers. They never read what I write and constantly ask idiotic questions. When I reply, they vanish.
9. I post publicly only because I have no friends. Hopefully this is my last year in Facebook.
Regards Ahana Ghosh 🙏🏻”
@psychicbigsis Message for the chosen ones #chosenone #earthangel #spiritualtiktok🧿☮️🧘🏽♂️ #collectivemessage #chosenones ♬ Healing music of love frequency 528Hz(1288586) – Healing Music Lab
“Intra-Body Nanosensor Networks for Human Energy Harvesting
Department of Engineering, Cambridge University
Body Centric Energy Sources And Harvesting