Realtime Statements of Targeted Individuals…Karma Yogis have to address this.

Conspiracy Revelatiob: 5.9.2023: Realtime Statements of Targeted Individuals…
Karma Yogis have to address this.

“Unworthy Servant
Getting attacked in my heart 24/7 by Illuminati military, attacked in kidneys and male parts also for relations with an Actress back in college (2005) (They are racist & envious 😜), but I’m still happy and rejoicing in the Lord till he returns. Blessed are the persecuted! TIUSA_”

Anti-Freedom that is what they are…DoD are the ultimate Criminals…and hopefully will get a severe punishment someday for infiltrating all biological organisms with nanobioweapons.

Cliff Few
Being tortured by cowards that work with corrupt police and FBI agents, these bastards conduct illegal surveillance torture and crime using non-consensual neurological weapons, they are not preventing crime, they are creating it for control.

Valid only to a certain extent, when the entire ecosphere is in danger,
measurements must be taken.

The proud pseudo “Heroes” in the Military, look what they are in reality, disgraceful super cowards who shoot at unamed civilians, they break the Warrior codex and that makes them absolute disgraceful villains.
Sorry I’ve not been here lately. Medical & family issues took/take precedence. I’ll spare you the details. Electronic torture continues at highly elevated levels. They’ve damaged the 92yr old g-ma badly. Tort claims & more complaints to be filed soon. This shit must be stopped.

Several people analyzed the fake nsa suppression algo of FAKETUBE….and realized that when you have 10 plays as a Targeted Individual take the number factor 100 and you know the real plays you get, all psychological warfare.

I use it to my advantage and tell this criminal gang of losers that they are crabs in a bucket…perpetuating the demise of their own through the enslavement of all via Nanites from Chemtrails.
Stalking organization uses …sending device to the human skull to torture people, the equipment allows listening and monitoring of thoughts and transmission of speech sounds to the victim’s brain, criminals use an invisible microwave connection with people’s brains, providing constant monitoring and silent surveillance. They can hear what we hear, see and even read our thoughts, total surveillance of anyone, anywhere in the country. This weapon is being used as an untraceable torture instrument and lethal weapon. By interacting with the brain, operators can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes, and cause numerous pains and sensations throughout the body. These include the sensation of electric current and the vibrations ringing in the ears and the sensation of intracranial clicks. Victims are subjected to sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture in an attempt to push them towards suicide or violence. Exhausted disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, victims are extremely vulnerable to anything. This apparatus of organized stalking has been used against Brazilian citizens since the 1990s and has the ability to track, monitor, harass and threaten people across the country. Their numbers and enormous reach suggest government involvement and funding, possibly part of the vast homeland security apparatus with links to organized crime using Nazi-like tactics. Thousands of people around the world are victims of organized harassment and torture and have their constitutional and human rights under attack their careers relationships health and lives destroyed atrocities unrelationships health and lives destroyed unspeakable atrocities crimes against humanity are being committed.”

“Cliff Few
NSA performs illegal surveillance,torture and organized crime using the vaccines which are bioweapons for control #Targetedindividuals been exposing this they are covering up genocide with psychiatry fraud,kidnappings,and control of family.
Bioeffects of Non Lethal Weapons
I find it disturbing that everyday on SM I see people blaming Fauci and #bigpharma for the plandemic when we know the #DOD created the virus, the jab, and ran the show from behind the curtain but the masses just can’t seem to accept that their own military would attempt to kill us like that.
Stockholm Syndrome is real.
3. Sep.
🚨 The Covid Vaccine is a military operation:
“There is 138 companies involved in making and distributing the Covid Vaccine and they’re all military contractors – The Pentagon and NSA ran the entire pandemic response!!!””

“Cliff Few
·11:45 06.09.2023
Criminals employed by the FBI and local police through prison system conduct illegal surveillance on law abiding citizens torturing them under the guise of NSA by satellite, it´s about 5 People connected to my body that #Cybertorture me, these bastards broadcast me and are psychopaths.”

514430cookie-checkRealtime Statements of Targeted Individuals…Karma Yogis have to address this.
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