I bought FAKE Youtube Views in 2023 (Experiment)

“I Bought FAKE Youtube Views in 2023 (Experiment)”
86.100 Abonnenten
4.256 Aufrufe 28.07.2023 #Youtuber #YoutubeViews #YoutubeExperiment
I bought FAKE Youtube views in 2023… But what actually happened to my channel?

DISCLAIMER: This is an experiment and something I DO NOT recommend you do with your channel. Buying fake Youtube subscribers or views is against Youtube’s terms of service and your channel could end up getting deleted as a result. You have been warned!

The fact is that growing a Youtube channel can be a very slow process for many small Youtubers, so naturally buying Youtube views and Subscribers can be very tempting option… But is it ok to buy views on Youtube?

Many people consider buying youtube views to make money, so to find out if this method actually works – it was time for another experiment! So if you want to know what happens when you buy views on Youtube, you’ve come to the right place!”

514750cookie-checkI bought FAKE Youtube Views in 2023 (Experiment)
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