Army Electronic Warfare officers and Psychological Operations starting false flags to cause conflict

“Army Electronic Warfare officers and Psychological Operations starting false flags to cause conflict”

Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO)
743 Abonnenten
102 Aufrufe 21.09.2022
In this video an electronic attack from military personnel under the command of Mark Milley, Austin Lloyd, Paul Nakasone, General Cavoli, and more has shown that they are willing to harm citizens to generate a public perception of an enemy and illness.

The best way to explain this technology beside it’s similar functions of voice to skull is the scientific study of connectomes and bioelectromagnetics. Theses area of studies show the effects and how it can be easily applied by the military THE most funded group in the world for the past 240+ years since 1776 sitting at 700 billion per year and even more during world wars.

The lower levels of the military have gone to far in their operations, as mentally ill, physically disabled, and human relations have deteriorated due to mistreatment by Electronic warfare officers using the electronic spectrum to cause harm. While Psychological Operations further push agendas that misinform individuals about a variety of effects.”

498070cookie-checkArmy Electronic Warfare officers and Psychological Operations starting false flags to cause conflict
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