Realism concerning Freedom Gods/Goddesses vs NWO BCI-Spy-Slave Insanity

Conspiracy Revelation: 20.1.2023:
Realism concerning Freedom Gods/Goddesses vs NWO-BCI-Spy-Slave Insanity.
Realismus bezüglich Freiheits-Göttern/Göttinnen vs NWO BCI-Spion-Sklaven-Wahnsinn.

Der Wut-Essay entstand, nachdem ich die NWO-Geheimdienstschweine wieder erwischt habe, wie sie sich über mein rechtes Ohr eingeklickt haben per Quanten-KI-BCI-Interface auf Twitter.
The anger essay came about after I caught the NWO intelligence agency pigs again clicking in via my right ear via the Quantum-AI-BCI interface on Twitter.
Wiederholt: Kein Gott und keine Göttin der Freiheit würden je eure Gehirne versklaven und implantieren. Ihr müsst Militärschirmung und Magnete benutzen, wenn ihr hier postet, sonst klinken sie sich in euer Hirn ein. Der NWO-Kult ist ein Sklavenkult von versklavten Gehirnen.
Repeat: No God or Goddess of freedom would ever enslave and implant your brains. You must use military shielding and magnets when posting here or they will latch onto your brain. The NWO cult is a slave cult of enslaved brains.
If anyone dares to tell the utter idiocy that a wise freedom loving God is responsible for all events, incl. Genetic weapons & nano-brain implants to make a living hell with false pre-crime 24/7/365 brain infiltration policing against all innocent divine creatures I would say idiotic mk cultist.
Stop all your false Religions…. AN ALL POWERFUL DEITY never lets an NWO happen… N E V E R. There is no all-powerful deity in a sense of basic micromanagement control of human creatures, only the Shadow Gov poses as False Gods and False Archons even…it wouldn´t be that stupid to let Chemtrails happen. I speak from highest spiritual perspective. N E V E R E V E R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NWO-Cultists are the most wretched self-deceivers of the highest degree of idiocy, they worship a God of ultimate freedom, but invent nano-brain implants to enslave every living human on the planet via bci-quantum computing and satellite ai grids.
Die NWO-Kultisten sind die erbärmlichsten Selbstbetrüger des höchsten Grades an Idiotie, sie verehren einen Gott der ultimativen Freiheit, erfinden aber Nano-Gehirnimplantate, um jeden lebenden Menschen auf dem Planeten über BCI-Quantencomputer und Satelliten-KI-Grids zu versklaven.
I would create the perfect undisturbed Free Universe…with no evil inhibition and trauma and no psychopaths are allowed to enter.
Brain-Infiltration would be impossible….Nanite-Infection impossible, the whole military industrial complex would be tortured for daring to even have the thought of enslaving brains.
The idea of bringing an Avatar on Earth can´t be the final solution..because they all get tortured, sabotaged, attacked and they try to kill them…there must be a stronger solution for the Creator of the Universe. Find one to destroy the New World Order and their BCI-Brainvirus.

The Theosophy Project removed the Blavatsky sharing… Theosophy project just follow me, I teach True Theosophy… free from Masonic Nonsense, free from Satanic Nonsense. Swedenborg has divine influence, but I would never say Theosophy is owned by Blavatsky. True Theosophy is divine. It simply means God´s Wisdom.
“Du hast retweetet
12. Jan.
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She hated Swedenborg… one reason why I like him.”
God´s Wisdom is Sophia and True Philosophy is the activation of Sophia via Kundalini, so Sophia becomes a living, active, conscious companion to you. That Theo and Sophia become both alive in Matter. The True Hieros Gamos takes then place. The real Twin Flame Union.
Hitler was also influenced by Jacob Lorber and Lorber was not evil…I think you people are prejudging and judgemental like full blown idiots imprisoned in your negative ego. All Politicians use contemporary Philosophers as food source for whatever idea they have.
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Ocean Green
12. Jan.
Antwort an @fasc1nate
Her racist and demonic occult teachings were instrumental in forming the young mind of Adolf Hitler who was extremely influenced by her filth.
Sometimes I have the impression Christianity caused tons of narrow-minded fools…especially in U.S., it is like Indians who are unable to syncretize with Western Mysticism. Only fundamentalist fools, projecting their own prejudging idiocy on enlightened Avatars.
I remove all Religious-Philosophical distortions as far as possible, many people are stuck in primitive perceptions of cognitive distortion…
They go in to your dreams…we must train the brain to wake up from false AI dreams…
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Neuro-Weapons allow remote access to the bio-electrical system of a human being

These weapon systems do not need your permission to access your brain. These programs can access your mind without your permission.

Brain Control Weapons are the greatest threat humanity has today.”

“Du hast retweetet
Starseeds Kingdom
You can never be a true friend of the Sourceless.

You can take them as such but they will never reciprocate. They are more into harvesting your energy and wrecking your life no matter how good you are to them.”
The not reciprocation is their energy vampirism, they must stay silent, otherwise they would die, they are already totally zombified and must keep silent to prevent other vampires to leech on them.
This is impossible to hide,you feel them, they are black holes, you interact with dead energy. Zombie Energy. They suck everything from their environment like a vacuum cleaner, they would die without external energy sources. They are vampires lost in the dark, cut off from Sophia.
Many people on Twitter have a lack of social skills…
..or it is the selective shadow banning strategic censorship of the nwo crime cartel…but the Zombie-Feeling on most nwo controlled platforms is undeniable and most people lack in interactive dynamism…
There is a trend where people try to vocally recall their energies, that doesn´t work…if you want your pure energy released you must do kinetic meditation, for example, one method of many.
Tragic, how often this must be repeated, we were in the first line, who got the full blow of their weapon systems, already 12 years ago.
Conventional warfare is no longer needed, not with directed energy weapons! It’s just a show, folks 🎪”
19. Jan.
Jacob Lorber was wrong, the Creation is not Anti-God… he wanted to keep the Gods out of the Game, but this is impossible. Everything is connected.
The Gods have failed to prevent this…Anarchic Universe.
“Tweet zitieren
19. Jan.
Targets, you are being attacked by the most advanced weapons systems in existence. You are a high priority target. Give yourself some credit.”
“Words are events, they do things, change things. They transform both speaker and hearer; they feed energy back and forth and amplify it. They feed understanding or emotion back and forth and amplify it. (Ursula K. Le Guin) (on the Magic of Real Human Conversation) [34508]”
One Tactic the GOV-AI uses, is, sending false proposal sponsored Ads to irritate the viewer…it´s all psychological warfare in a very subtle way, they try to project their pathology on the Twitter users…
You can´t have Transcendence without Descendence. Never. One-sided spirituality is a fallacy.
The monotheistic transcendentalists are indifferent to environmental destruction and material-physical destruction, they lack the feminine aspect of Earth Consciousness, aka Sophia´s Root Wisdom Gnosis.
Someone who is only transcendental lacks grounding. They don´t care about the Ecosystem. A huge mistake.
There is no economy on a dead planet – you bozo.”
Matter will never disappear, don´t listen to the Advaita nonsense. Prakriti is eternal and indestructible as essence. Spirit and Matter are an ETERNAL DUALISM. Only Spirit makes no sense, Only Matter makes no sense. Always in tandem – eternally. Nobody wants to be only a Ghost.
A real God would never let Genocide happen, so Half-Breeds and Demi-Gods can only be responsible for the Chaos…and lack of engagement.
The Demi-Gods create a Matter Universe and let maniacs take control of the basic elements… If I make a Universe, I make sure that Criminal Psychopaths can never take-over a Planet and genetically weaponize and destroy the entire Atmosphere and Food Chain.
I could easily program a Software to bypass any newstream ai-algo, by just creating multi-jump buttons to your favorite links on any social media platform.
It happened already…collectivistic digital communistic ai-software spamming, started with NSA-Goo-Store…Devalueing Human Creative Potential as Producers, Programmers and Musicians.
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31. Dez. 2022
Antwort an @nocodemba
Please don’t, if this happens games/apps would be spammed by companies who cares only about profit and would make only games filled with ads and marketing shit, we already got enough AI stuff let’s not make it further towards development AI”
The ICD for Morgellons misses for 20 years and CRIMINAL LIAR-PEDIA even denies the existence of the verifiable Bioweapon of DoD with a verifiable patentnumber.
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“Steve Kirsch
16. Jan.
This is why nobody dies from the vaccine. They deliberately didn’t create an ICD 10 code for a Covid vaccine caused death. Very corrupt.”
Imagine how important we are, that they spent Millions to target us over the last 2 decades with high-end deep black military weaponry…. but they do not pay attention on the starving people in Africa..Idiotic New World America.
So you are a US brainwashed guy…you believe the propaganda from your Gov that infects people globally with Morgellons. The DoD Bioweapon was created in California…
Everyone needs an intervention sometimes!
(Esp if you’re under nonconsensual brain control weapons testing)
In the past there was .#ManhattanProject, #MKUltra)
No, it’s not your family or friends or neighbors.
It’s your perceptions weaponized against you!”
Guy Theobald – #TI –
It should be obvious to ALL who care
That the CIA is a Terrorist organisation!
Fact that CIA works for Deep State is less Obvious But it is to PROTECT
Those that the CIA MJ12 & Men in black were created for!
& Responsible for #NWO!”
Singularity Alien is a total relativist… seems to be just a person who talks deliberate nonsense to attract followers, I am a Gnostic, I only talk about things that can be verified, when not objectively, then at least via subjective direct experience.
Integrity is the antonym of Total Relativism.
That means when you have a spine with divine integrity you can´t be a total relativist.
You can´t have a Kundalini Awakening without being a real Truther, completely devoted to destroy evil.
Any silly fool who tries to invalidate my divine authority will accrue negative Karma.
The holy spirit does not come to each worm…you must pass the most brutal death tests.
16. Jan.
Also from the common slavish zombies who are an even greater enemy to freedom loving people than the shadowgov…
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16. Jan.
People are dying left and right under this strange silence from mainstream media…”
Ask the deities for their neglect of this world, that I have to do everything alone with Sophia.
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Nick P
16. Jan.
Those that have lived through the past three years must never forgive the globalists.”
Globalism is another word for communism/bolshevism…don´t forget…
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The Myth of Evolution…look at Crocodiles…Case closed.
“Du hast retweetet
17. Jan.
Many Free Truth E books Pdf By Richard Lighthouse #TI
“The CIA & FBI behind most, if not all terrorism.”
– Ted Gunderson former FBI Chief
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
– William Colby CIADirector”
To catch people in the TIA-System of the Pentagon Blue Box for sure…
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“Braindead Nation
17. Jan.
Does Twitter exist to collect information about dissenters, to map their networks, and manipulate them?”
17. Jan.
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Quantum Satellites…they are directly bci-interlinked with every brain.
This book appeared in 2006. In 2005 the symptoms became visible in EU…Morgellons: Level 5 Plague of the New World Order by Tim R. Swartz via @goodreads
Searching for the earliest books…from those who knew long before us about the planned genetic weapon of DoD Crime Inc.. (2012)
17. Jan.
“Author, Richard Kuhns http://B.S.Ch.E. (a chemical engineer),grew up in Manchester MD and attended the University Of MD where he graduated with honors as a Chemical Engineer. He worked many years for corporations like DuPont”
DuPont is involved in my targeting.”
The Pentagon Psychopathic Psychologists are unmasked, we bring their hidden cruelty cover-up into the mainstream… with their 2% and 5% rule…
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“Bioeffects of Non Lethal Weapons
17. Jan.
The private prison industry hired a consulting firm, the firm determined that if they incarcerated less than 2% of the population at any given time that it would go unnoticed and no one would demand reform. The DOD uses the same strategy for their domestic terrorism operations.…”
“Defending Rights & Dissent
17. Jan.
The CIA perpetrates a reign of terror that spans the globe, deposing – and assassinating – leaders perceived as enemies, at great cost to projects of self-determination and liberation.”
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Quackzine-Genocide-Hesitancy is a sign of a good working natural instinct, in my Universe Gates and Fauci would already be quarantined for the next 10000 years on a prison Exoplanet to never disturb Mother Earth again.
Someone should remove all Cali-Universities incl. their Master Nazi Gates…. one of the misery factories against freedom and health and happiness on the Planet.
“Du hast retweetet
The light is shining bright this morning. World is being cleaned and dusted from all darkness remains.
Divine love light union golden age is at the door.
Heaven on earth. ✨”

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