Japan will provide Ukraine with operational satellite data.

“Japan will provide Ukraine with operational satellite data.”
“86.880 Aufrufe – 18.03.2022”

AJapan will provide Ukraine with operational satellite data.

Ukraine has requested from the Japanese authorities the possibility of providing the Ukrainian military with operational satellite data to assess the situation in the country. Taking into account the largest constellation of spacecraft, high-resolution satellite images can be provided to Ukraine at almost any time and under any weather conditions.

At the moment, it is known that the decision to provide Ukraine with operational satellite data will be taken by the Security Council of Japan, however, to date, it is known that Tokyo has already provided Kiev with satellite imagery upon relevant requests, which quite likely implies that the current a request from Ukraine will allow the military department of Ukraine to independently receive satellite data.

Experts do not rule out that such assistance from Japan may somewhat complicate the situation on the territory of Ukraine, however, given the current data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian military is performing tasks according to the approved plan, even despite pumping Ukraine with Western weapons.”

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