Klitschko showed the metal pellets that the occupiers are dropping to kill people massively

“Klitschko showed the metal pellets that the occupiers are dropping to kill people massively”
“447.212 Aufrufe – 18.03.2022”

“UATV English
217.000 Abonnenten
Kiev mayor Vitali Klitschko released a video showing pellets from Russian bombs dropped on Ukrainian cities. Such pellets can fly 500 meters away from the epicenter of the explosion. He said this in his video message. He also appealed to the Western partners to stop any business relations with Russia, because every cent received by the Russians goes to support the army of the occupying country. The mayor of Kiev also added that Ukraine is fighting for the same values that Europeans stand for.”

482760cookie-checkKlitschko showed the metal pellets that the occupiers are dropping to kill people massively
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