Peking funeral homes overwhelmed by surge in COVID deaths | DW News

“Beijing funeral homes overwhelmed by surge in COVID deaths | DW News”
“DW News
4,35 Mio. Abonnenten”

“148.534 Aufrufe 17.12.2022 #China #Beijing #Covid19
The Chinese capital Peking/Beijing is seeing a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases. And high numbers of workers testing positive for the virus means the city’s funeral homes are overwhelmed.
Undertakers say they are short on drivers and workers, so families have to wait longer to cremate their relatives. Local media have reported more coronavirus-linked deaths, even though official tallies do not include the latest victims. China relaxed some of the world’s toughest measures to control the spread of the virus just over a week ago.”

“Covid deaths in China on the rise.”

500110cookie-checkPeking funeral homes overwhelmed by surge in COVID deaths | DW News
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