10 Stages of Genocide of Targeted Individuals
1. Classification – Dividing people into ‘them’ and ‘us’.
#TargetedIndividuals are put on the TSDB list indefinitely for any reason with no judicial recourse. This marks them as „fair game“ for total life destruction, even death.
2. Symbolization – Forcing groups to wear or be associated with symbols which identify them as different.
The FBI paints targeted individuals as terrorists, even when they are targeted for covert experimentation, to be silenced for whistleblowing, or to enact personal revenge.
3. Discrimination – Excluding groups from participating in civil society, such as by excluding them from voting or certain places.
Targeted individuals may find themselves on the no-fly list, or be discriminated against in renting, taking out loans, or the hiring process, etc.
4. Dehumanization – To deny the humanity of one group, and associate them with animals or diseases in order to belittle them.
Targeted individuals are the subject of defamatory smear campaigns in an attempt to turn everyone in the target’s life against them.
5. Organization – Training police or army units and providing them with weapons and knowledge in order to persecute a group in future.
Targeted individuals are subject to electronic harassment by „nonlethal“ weapons including voice-to-skull, image induction, and directed energy.
6. Polarization – Using propaganda to polarize society, create distance, and exclude a group further.
The Security State orchestrates false flags to scare the people: into giving up rights, funding Fusion Centers, and joining neighborhood watches. They also control the media.
7. Preparation – Planning of mass murder and identifying specific victims.
FBI execs earn bonuses for meeting quotas for new targets. They pick communities to infiltrate with informants and entrapment, and install „digital tripwires“ like online bait posts (liking=advocating).
8. Persecution – Incarcerating or forcibly displacing groups, expropriating property, belongings, or wealth.
Targeted individuals may fall victim to: theft or freezing of assets; theft, destruction, or movement of property; organized stalking, death threats, rape, and assault.
9. Extermination – Committing mass murder.
Targeted individuals are part of a eugenics program intended to either: kill the target, lock up the target in prison or an asylum, or have the target kill himself or others. This is a fixture of the global depopulation agenda.
10. Denial – Denial of any crimes.
Targeted individuals face both high and low tech gaslighting (like break-ins) in order to discredit them. Doctors, judges, and lawyers for the government dismiss their claims as „paranoid“, „bizarre“, „fantastical“, and „conspiracy theories“.“
Conspiracy Revelation: 30.12.2023: Which makes them complicit and enablers in the silent holocaust aka NWO Zionazi-Bolshevic Genocide.