Update with Elena Danaan on the Anunnaki, Maui, Assassination attempts & UFO Disclosure Initiatives

“Stealth Satellites with directed Energy Weapons”
“The Dew Satellites” “NWO Landgrab”

“Update with Elena Danaan on the Anunnaki, Maui, Assassination attempts & UFO Disclosure Initiatives”
“Michael Salla
157.000 Abonnenten
6.681 Aufrufe 11.09.2023
Elena Danaan continues to have face-to-face contact with different extraterrestrial visitors including representatives from the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Enki/Ea faction of the Anunnaki, who provide her with real time intel on Earth and space affairs. In this update, she discusses the physical and character assassination attempts against her as a result of intel she shared from Enki/Ea and Thor Han Eredyon about the Deep State’s recent use of stealth satellites equipped with Directed Energy Weapons.

Danaan explains how a disclenosure plan presented to General Gln VanHerck by Thor Han is being gradually implemented despite pushback from the Deep State… Finally, she responds to questions from Dr. Michael Salla about the possibility that Evangelical Christians have been gaslighted into believing genuinely benevolent human-looking extraterrestrials will be part of a great deception of humanity.

Watch Full Video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3gbl44-update-wit…”

vor 2 Stunden
Humans bent on the destruction or extreme suppression of disclosers. … witnessing the reversal of this horrendous situation of systematised attacks.”

vor 2 Stunden
Thank you very much to you two, I hope that in mid-2024 we will finally be able to have disclosure, but personally I doubt it, 2025 maybe……? It is disappointing because this massacre in Ukraine continues, on both sides there are enormous human losses, Hawaii? around the worlds, so sad, very grateful for your precious information, I send you lots of
health and love.”

vor 2 Stunden
Oh yes, Ea/Enki, Ninhursag, and others are personalities from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, later adopted by early Israelites and Christians have it in the Noah story.”

vor 3 Stunden (bearbeitet)
This 20+ year slow motion action is boring and frustrating.

It seems every new plan is to slowly disclose things – and 2-3 years later the new plan is to slowly disclose things – While We all go backwards down a hill – the big self-appointed special people in charge just want to go in super slow motion – so they dont lose their special positions right away.

The grey hats (no longer can be called white hats) – dont Really want to give up their positions. They seem to prefer to drag things out for years to come – so they can stay where they are – regardless of the consequences on others. But of course because they are so wise – they can decide we have to go through this ridiculous crime spree by the dark team for some time longer – because they´re too unsure about arresting the criminals.

Having the fate of the planet in the hands of this now questionable group – is not fair to the rest of the millions of Earthlings. And Team ET seems to like to tell us how wonderful is it even though things have to wait still for years – but Hurray!
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right – Here we are stuck in the middle…”

vor 2 Stunden
Let’s Go👌🏼..with the medical healing technology. Come on Star Family, we need your help. We are asking for direct assistance👏🏻..”

vor 48 Minuten
To be honest me and many many others feel very disappointed because you …keep showing this mythomaniac, very disappointed, I´m out of your channel, I hope God gives you wisdom so you can see the truth.”

515160cookie-checkUpdate with Elena Danaan on the Anunnaki, Maui, Assassination attempts & UFO Disclosure Initiatives
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