Divinefeminine1111 – You are too awakened…

@divinefeminine1111 #sunday #tarot #tarottok #spiritual #spiritualtiktok #cards #reading #awareness #needtoknow #mindset #divination #change #fyp #foryoupage #motivation #speaker #love #self #growth #selflove #improvement #lifecoach #coaching #healing #peace #life #happiness #daily #dailyenergy #horoscope #mindful #music #encouragement #love #lovereading #happy #happiness #healed #update #men #women #selflove #pisces #cancer #scorpio #libra #gemini #aquarius #virgo #taurus #capricorn #leo #aries #sagittarius #truth #channel #inspiration #storytime #mothersday ♬ original sound – 𝕯𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝕱𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

“Divinefeminine1111 – You are too awakened…”
“Certain things cannot penetrate your body, your mind and your spirit.”
“Project MK Ultra.”
“Project Monarch.”
“To purposely infect people with certain things.”
“Find a way to morph and mutate with the DNA.”

“People can be programmed through frequencies. Sonic Warfare.
“Some of you have Egyptian lineage and ancestral lineage this gives you extra protection shield.”
“Any A.I. that is there to essentially siphon your Ideas.”
“Agents. People that work within the Government Sectors, their Experimentation is causing Grieving in People. Essentially seeing how people behave or what type of aspects they can remove or alternate, because they want people alone, they don´t want people to come together and spread ideas.”
“They want to essential take fortune from people.”
“Toxic People”
“And they are the one that are in control of our System.”
“You created a sacred space in your mind as well.”
“Their Experiments do not work on you.”

568410cookie-checkDivinefeminine1111 – You are too awakened…
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