ConspiracyRevelation 22.10.2022: Twitter is similar to Facebook, but not yet a graveyard like Facebook. A DoD-Cia-Arpa-NWO-Fed-Gulag-NSA-Prism-NWO-Censor-Hub, no matter if Musk bought it or not, the primary problem remains: #Censorship and removing #StateCrimes from the search results.
Censorship of #Search Results, especially in #Germany. Germany restricts the Twitter search results heavily to making fun of a serious chronic condition and biogenetic weapon called #Morgellons which trojanizes the DNA of Targeted Individuals and forces it to produce genomic malformations, instead of healthy cells in certain skin and blood vessel areas of the body. The Malformation uncoupled from the skin or blood vessel put under a microscope reveals DARPA weaponized entomological gene warfare Biotech, I did this already in 2013. Nearly no Medical Practitioner ever investigated this or mentioned this irrefutable objective visible fact.
Twitter blacklists #Morgellons and only presents those in the search area that make fun of a certificated vicious U.S. advanced biogenetic weapon. 20 years of silence, the entire spooky community revolves around this topic in absolute detail with facts.
The US will never stay ahead of the competition, because they break the laws of Nature by Genetic Subversion. This is absolute incompatible with absolute Peak Beingness and Peak Performance.
Even with all sabotage acts of the intelligence agencies over a time period of 20 Years+, I am still ahead and on top of you all…no weapon formed against me will prosper.
The Goddess of this world is on my side and neither on the side of the Pentagon, nor on the side of the Kremlin….
„Dr. Eli David
20. Okt.
What does the acronym „CDC“ stand for?
Wrong answers only.
Du hast retweetet
Mother of Dragons
20. Okt.
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Central department of corruption…
„The CDC is the medical CIA. Its agents run global covert ops. The virus hunters“
CDC also means Center for Disease Creation and Crazy Destruction Crew… / NIH = National Institute of Health Hoaxes. (ME,2016)“
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Criminal Distribution Center.
Justin Mahwikizi
20. Okt.
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Certified Department of Cronyism.
Robert John
20. Okt.
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Covid Disinformation Campaign.
20. Okt.
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Central Depopulation Committee.
20. Okt.
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Corporate Drug Cartel.
Du hast retweetet
20. Okt.
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Centre Devoid of Conscience!
21. Okt.
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Center for Doubletounged Criminals.
20. Okt.
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Consistently disingenuous clowns.
20. Okt.
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Chronic Disease Catalyst.
KN Elliott
20. Okt.
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Completely disgraceful corporation.
21. Okt.
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Continuing the Development of Cancer.
SkyeMaven 🪂
21. Okt.
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Criminals Doing Crime (CDC).
Bhaskaran Raman
21. Okt.
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Most are giving various correct answers. The wrong answer would be: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
20. Okt.
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Centres for disease circulation.
👍Craggy Unbound👍
20. Okt.
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Centers for Disease Creation.
20. Okt.
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Crime Dysfunction Criminal.
Dave. Sparks
21. Okt.
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Criminals Doing Chemistry.
ann pegg
20. Okt.
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controlled death concoctions.
Don Wilson, LLB 🇨🇦
21. Okt.
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Center for Disease Commercialization.
Eco Witch
20. Okt.
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Covid Disinformation Centre.
20. Okt.
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Communist Doctors Corporation.
Bill Beers
21. Okt.
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Corrupted Doctor Corp.
20. Okt.
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Creative Disinformation Center.
Karter R.
20. Okt.
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Constant Denying & Cover-up.
Andy Ando
20. Okt.
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Conflict Department Corruption.
Abyss Talker
20. Okt.
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Controlled Depopulation Centre.
Just Curious
21. Okt.
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Coercion, Disinformation and Control.
Just Curious
21. Okt.
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Centre for Domination and Control.
أ.د. عادل السيد عبدالرزاق الحنيان
21. Okt.
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Crooks Don’t Care.
Akanksha Kumari
20. Okt.
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Cognitive Dissonance Central.
20. Okt.
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Center for Disease and Corruption.
Edouard Nashton
20. Okt.
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The Corrupted Doctors Company.
20. Okt.
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Corrupt Doctors Club.
Will Hawkes
20. Okt.
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Corrupt Deadly Criminals.
20. Okt.
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Centers for deceit & corruption.
20. Okt.
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Completely dedicated to corruption.
Salty Blue Sardis
21. Okt.
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Corrupt Dictator Coalition.
BooBooKitty Meow 🇨🇦 #TrudeauMustGo 🇨🇦
20. Okt.
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Central Drug Cartel.
Jason Jones
20. Okt.
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Centers to Deceive and Control.
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Center of Dystopian Control.“