Britain successfully tests a military Laser Beam. The Dragonfire laser…

@history_revealed Britain successfully tests a military Laser Beam. The Dragonfire laser can be used against aerial targets such as drones and missiles. It is being considered for future use by the british army and Royal Navy. Are lasers the future of warfare. #dragonfire #laser #laserbeams #military #royalnavy #britisharmy ♬ Paris – Else

„History Revealed · 1-22
Britain successfully tests a military Laser Beam. The Dragonfire laser can be used against aerial targets such as drones and missiles. It is being considered for future use by the british army and Royal Navy. Are lasers the future of warfare? #dragonfire #laser #laserbeams #military #royalnavy #britisharmy ´“

558220cookie-checkBritain successfully tests a military Laser Beam. The Dragonfire laser…
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