„Sabrina Wallace interview.
Hillbilly Heart
2750 Abonnenten
Vor 2 Stunden live gestreamt“
„495 Aufrufe“
„I went to war with our DoD.“
„I didn´t give my permission to anyone to connect to my body.“
„Sabrina Wallace interview.
Hillbilly Heart
2750 Abonnenten
Vor 2 Stunden live gestreamt“
„495 Aufrufe“
„I went to war with our DoD.“
„I didn´t give my permission to anyone to connect to my body.“
Telegram-Channel: https://t.me/ConspiracyRevelation2022
Telegram-Stream-Channel: https://t.me/s/ConspiracyRevelation2022
Als Historiker weiß ich, daß es keine Dauerlösungen gibt. Auch der #Kapitalismus, egal, wie zäh er ist und wie sehr er auch in den Köpfen der Menschen als etwas Unabänderliches erscheint, er wird verschwinden, früher oder später. (Eric Hobsbawm)
Aerosol War Crimes: I can come to no other logical conclusion than the manifestation and expression of control and that actually leads eventually to what you call ultimate control. ..and what is ultimate control: It´s control of everything about you and your environment, the world you live in. It is a manifestation of ultimate and complete control, at least intended okay, I am not saying necessarily success or not success in, but in terms of the driving force behind it. I am talking about the physical environment, I am talking about biology, I am talking about energy, I am talking about potential genetic evolution. These are the fields that I must consider in the end as being a probable target of an agenda. (Clifford E. Carnicom)
“We talk about civilization as though it’s a static state. There are no civilized people yet, it’s a process that’s constantly going on… As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization.” (Jacque Fresco)
Die Internetzombifikation hat aber seit 2010 drastisch zugelegt... (Ingmar Veeck)(2013)(21.2.) [5781]