Rudolf Diesel: The tragic story of the man who invented diesel – and why he would turn in his grave

“Rudolf Diesel: The tragic story of the man who invented diesel – and why he would turn in his grave 🔗

The Diesel engine was invented to run on a variety of fuels including coal dust and vegetable oils. 0:37 Rudolf Diesel’s invention was more fuel efficient and eco friendly than other engines and farmers could literally grow the fuel they needed. His life ended under mysterious circumstances in 1913 when he boarded a ship from Belgium to England as he drowned at sea. 1:35 After Diesel’s death his engine was adapted to take petrol as its only source of fuel 2:08
May 26″

“ConspiracyRevelation2022, [26.05.2022]
[Weitergeleitet aus Wakingup1984]
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The tragic story of the man who invented diesel – and why he would turn in his grave | BBC Ideas
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489630cookie-checkRudolf Diesel: The tragic story of the man who invented diesel – and why he would turn in his grave
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