Italy Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY

“#Coronavirus #ItalyLockdown #TodayShow
Italy Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY
506.022 Aufrufe•12.03.2020”
“Now Italians have to cook for themselves…
People are definitely limiting their travel outside their homes…We are staying at home a lot more.”

“Coronavirus survivor reveals what it’s like to have Covid-19
4.958.373 Aufrufe•10.03.2020”
“Channel 4 News: 1,17 Mio. Abonnenten:
Connor Reed, a British man who works at a school in Wuhan, explains how it felt to have the Covid-19 coronavirus, discusses what life is like after 40 days in lockdown and how he thinks people in the UK would cope in similar circumstances.”

322820cookie-checkItaly Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY
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2 Antworten zu Italy Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY

    • _ADMIN_ sagt:

      (225000 Infections) 9300 dead…. 4 days later, after your posting, factor 11. Absolutely not comparable. Level up…
      [12000 dead 6 days later…(285000 Infected).]
      [20000 in 14 days and not in 365 days]

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