CIA Funded Company to resurrect extinct Animals….
The Globalists Hate Healthy Citizens
Jan 25, 2023
Greg Reese
Scientist priest class playing god and creating new living species.“
CIA Funded Company to resurrect extinct Animals….
The Globalists Hate Healthy Citizens
Jan 25, 2023
Greg Reese
Scientist priest class playing god and creating new living species.“
The weather makers leave nothing alone, nothing. All is tainted, disrupted, and unnatural at this point. The US military has repeatedly stated its mission "to own the weather" and it seems that they have at minimum completely disrupted it with ever worsening consequences for us all. (Dane Wigington) (2014)
Everything that can be Invented, has been Invented. (Charles Duell - 1899)
"GEZ=Gehirn Ersatz Zentrale!"
"The idea is to keep people in ignorance of anything that would be a problem to the control system. (David Icke) [60962]"