Project Salus – AI – DOD – WBAN – Biosensors since 2005 (aka Morgellons since 2005)

Project Salus – AI – DOD – WBAN – Biosensors since 2005 (aka Morgellons since 2005)

“This is my shortest summary to date. May it help folks who need the bare essentials.

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Ingmar Veeck
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The DNA Tech is in your veins and in your brain…

“Synthetic Biology and Morphology, Life Extension and regenerative Medicine.
Project Salus has been around..since 1969…Project Salus Job…assert watching every
Phase/Phage State: This is because we are inside the bloodstream with Biosensors and watching you from the inside with the Body Area Network (BAN).”

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DNA resonance tracking. People get attacked in international flights, whenever they go…it’s a sophisticated CNS hacking weapons system decades ahead of what is even mentioned in the private sector. Good luck.

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The Last Mile To Endsville
Wireless EMF signals track you by your bodies bio-rhythm. There´s nowhere you can go to escape it. You´re always within the magnetic field.

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John Fetterman’s 4th Clone
Gangstalking is as much spiritual as physical. Watch “Poor Devil”— the gangstalkers don’t even know why they do what they do.
They have sold their souls and the demon moves through them like fish through water.
It’s everywhere.

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Sattelite surveillance sees through walls sonar tech etc known facts.

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Laurie Smith
Drones, phones, cell towers and satellite. At minimum GPS from the phone…Internet tracking.”

“Du hast repostet
Heather Carr
Soooo they basically have learned to hack our DNA with CARBON + FAKE SUGAR⁉️
Another SUS af reason for demonizing real sugar from real food.
James Freed
8. Nov. 2023
Antwort an @remotelyrising
Been exposing TRANSfection through Glycobiology for over a decade. How sugars and synthetic carbons are being used in order for coding in our mRNA/dna. First major leap was in early 1900’s. Bayer, Pfizer and Monsanto teamed up for major horizontal gene transfer.”

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Great info ! I just researched an IP coming into my network Glycobiology Boston Org ! Entire Families OFAC watchlist scheme Identity theft explotatation fraud Unconstitutional authorization for nonconsensual human bioinformatic research experimentation torture trafficking TY !”

“Du hast repostet
James Freed
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Yes. By changing our base components in our RNA and DNA. Making what’s called GNA and soon to have XNA being all synthetic. Works in conjunction with TALEN and CRISPR. Long effort cas 9 let alone the ability now with synthia and Cas 13 remote edit.”

“Du hast repostet
James Freed
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Monsanto Pfizer and Bayer were all in one of the first horizontal gene transfer in 1917-1918 vaccines. Bayer had the synthetic sugar and fever reducer to allow for transfection. Just like today. They knew transfection (gain of function) is easiest through hemoglobin.”

“Du hast repostet
Laurie Smith
We’re easier to hack with a smaller biofield so that’s why ‘they’ want you in a low vibe.”

“Disinfo: Infowars, Mike Adams, Steve Quayle, SGT Report, Max Igan, Cliff High.”
“Viable Info: Zee Media, Demon Hunters, Alien Wars (armor EW, EMF, Pulse Array)”

528210cookie-checkProject Salus – AI – DOD – WBAN – Biosensors since 2005 (aka Morgellons since 2005)
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