Infostream of the Day – 25 – 3 – 2024 – Snapshot of the Day…
China verbannt AMD,
Intel und Microsoft aus Regierungscomputern
1/125 OPEN
TikTok Rewards
Ab Sonntag sollen chinesische, „sichere“
Chips verwendet werden
98 Kommentare
Die wissen aber schon, dass ihre Hirne mit DoD Arpa Dual use Biotech vollgesprüht wurden seit 1999 mindestens? Also hat das Pentagon Zugriff auf jedes Hirn weltweit über WBan Standard.
2 Min. Antworten
Die Realisten
Der Drecks-Ami spioniert bei allen mit, dabei die Drecks-Faschisten aus der Besatzungszone BRD Gmbh.
Ingmar Veeck
25. März
This happens with the Biotech Body Snatchers and Human Brain Scavengers one day…
Nature is Amazing ☘️
A group of bees take revenge on a giant hornet for eating one of them.
Ingmar Veeck
Nature does Nature best, Nature is the Master of all Masters, you are just poor copycats, at your Hellcooking Biotech Universities.
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You can’t fool nature. They know they have the right to self defense, and that if it can happen to their fellow it can happen to them. Mankind has been separated from nature for this reason. Now, we’ve got people believing that legislators can steal their right to self defense,
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and instead of helping/avenging the deaths of their victimized fellows, they join their enemies in victim blaming, thinking it will never happen to them. WRONG!
Brainflow 🧬
Do the opposite of what the government recommends.
Avoid eggs: Eat 3 to 6 daily.
Avoid dairy: Eat yogurt daily.
Limit salt: Salt everything.
Avoid butter: Cook with butter.
Ingmar Veeck
If you are one of those deluded Academic Neurotech-Professors who believe they have the situation under control…wait til the tide switches.
Ingmar Veeck
The Harvard people really think they will never be targeted with their own Biotech…. did you never watch how things unfold… CIA Torturers can become Victim very fast, Perp-Victim Switch.
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Ingmar Veeck
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Die Nanochips von den AMIs haben sie trotzdem im Hirn und Körper (Intrabody Nanosensor Networks). Milchmädchenrechnung.
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c’t magazin
24. März
China verbannt AMD, Intel und Microsoft aus Regierungscomputern
#AMD #Intel #Prozessoren #Windows
Ingmar Veeck
They will use all material of you in your absence, rather than give you credit for whom credit is due, because the world in Kali Yuga accumulates loser-mentality and demonic losers, people who have not created anything meaningful or beautiful and therefore lack self-confidence.
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Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
Freemasonry (& Illuminati) were created to expand & consolidate the Temporal Power of the Pope throughout 🌎 .
The Roman Church & Freemasonry work together in a dialectic that brings believers and non-believers (those ‘not duped’ by RCC) to do Rome’s worldly/material bidding.
Ingmar Veeck
Dein Neid stinkt in den Vordergrund und zeigt sich in deiner Unwissenheit und deinem Mangel an Feedback. Du magst Nichtigkeiten, aber dein Neid hält dich davon ab das Genie zu verehren.
3:05 nachm. · 24. März 2024
Mal angezeigt
Ingmar Veeck
Your envy stinks to the foreground and it shows in your ignorance and lack of feedback, you like trifles, but your envy prevents you from adoring Genius.
Ingmar Veeck
„Genius is the power of love, is the longing for devotion. (Hermann Hesse) [550]“
Ingmar Veeck
TikTok distracts with visuals, true Philo Sophia is imageless, invisible, because Invisibility is graceful Immortality.
„But all I care about is being able to love the world. (H. Hesse)“
„Philosophy begins exactly where the images end. (Hermann Hesse)“
„The road which leads to the palace of wisdom, is the road of excess. (William Blake) [410]“
„Enlil and Enki debate the fate of humanity in the #gardenofeden #anunnaki #enki #nephilim #ancienthistory #nibiru #ancientaliens #fyp “
@jason_abadi Enlil and Enki debate the fate of humanity in the #gardenofeden #anunnaki #enki #nephilim #ancienthistory #nibiru #ancientaliens #fyp ♬ original sound – Jason Abadi
@jason_abadi The Anunnaki Council #anunnaki #nibiru #enki #nephilim #ancienthistory #ancientaliens #sumerianrecords #gods #fyp ♬ original sound – Jason Abadi
„The Anunnaki Council #anunnaki #nibiru #enki #nephilim #ancienthistory #ancientaliens #sumerianrecords #gods #fyp
original sound – Jason Abadi
United States
Von Creator*in als KI-generiert gekennzeichnet“
Full Worm Moon.“
Conspiracy Revelation: 25.3.2024: Sometimes it is just the Fullmoon….and no conspiracy to rob you of your sleep…and I am saying this from a standpoint of a real certified remote torture experiencer, weeks of sleep deprivation torture by U.N. NWO Zionazi Inc. in 2011…
@earth_is_mars In this mind-bending video, we delve into the captivating theory of Thoth, the enigmatic ancient Egyptian deity, who some believe may have been a time traveler from the future! 🤯 #thoth #uniplanetaryevolutiontheory #tiktok ♬ original sound – Uniplanetary Evolution Theory
„Uniplanetary Evolution Theory · 1-18
In this mind-bending video, we delve into the captivating theory of Thoth, the enigmatic ancient Egyptian deity, who some believe may have been a time traveler from the future! 🤯 #thoth #uniplanetaryevolutiontheory #tiktok“
24. März
Sunrise over Cairo, Egypt ✨
@aitopia Message from the future #aianimation #timetravel #future #robots #aiart ♬ Cyberpunk – Max Brhon
Aitopia AI Art 🎨 · vor 1 T.
Message from the future #aianimation #timetravel #future #robots #aiart
Cyberpunk – Max Brhon“
24 Kommentare
The Anti-Communicator indeed.
03-12 Antworten
@galactic_unraveling Dive into an enlightening conference with Dr. Steven Greer, as he explores a century of suppressed technologies that could have diverted us from our current path toward extinction. From the hidden depths of the black budget to the revolutionary potential of Zero Point Energy, Dr. Greer unveils how our adherence to obsolete technologies is by design, not necessity. Discover how extraterrestrial spacecraft utilize clean, limitless energy sources and how our understanding of Zero Point Energy could transform every aspect of life on Earth. Dr. Greer argues that free energy technologies, proven to exist as far back as the 1960s, have been deliberately kept from public use. Imagine a world where energy is free, agriculture and manufacturing costs are negligible, and environmental solutions like water desalinization and air purification are universally accessible. However, transitioning to this bright future means challenging the entrenched interests of the global macroeconomic system, reliant on oil, gas, and coal. Join us as Dr. Green poses a powerful question: Are we ready to embrace the transformative gift of quantum science and step into a new era of human civilization? 🌍💡 #StevenGreer #FreeEnergy #QuantumScience #ZeroPointEnergy #NewEra #TransformativeTechnology #CleanEnergyFuture #DrStevenGreer #TechnologySuppression #CleanEnergyRevolution #QuantumLeap #SustainableFuture #ExtraterrestrialTech #EnergyFreedom #EnvironmentalInnovation #GalacticUnraveling ♬ original sound – Galactic Unraveling
„Remember, it was not by our hands alone that this world was crafted. (Enlil to Enki)“ (half a million years ago)
„Wide Awake Media
Agenda 2030: The complete centralised control and micromanagement of every intricate detail of your life by unelected technocrats, dressed up as humanity skipping off into the sunset and living happily ever after.“
„M-Health Solutions Using 5G Networks and M2M Communications