Targeted Individual Reward Fund $1,009,100

Conspiracy Revelation: 13.1.2020: Someone from Israel makes a T.I. fund…look look… Resistance within their own rows.
Divine Justice has no Landmark.
“Targeted Individual
Reward Fund
For Information leading to the arrest and conviction of perpetrators, public disclosure of the targeting process, stoppage of harassment, and insight into medical remediation for victims.”
“Targeted Individuals Are Victims of Contract Intimidation Stalking and a Type of “Havana Syndrome” Electromagnetic Torture
The resources tab details similar cases of organized intimidation stalking and the “Havana Syndrome” which is a similar attack directed at Targeted Individuals
We need the public to step up with tips. Any Information about contract stalking & harassment campaigns could help law enforcement find out which hired private investigators have access to illegal directed energy weapons.”


312640cookie-checkTargeted Individual Reward Fund $1,009,100
Dieser Beitrag wurde unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, Galactic Space Fleets & ExoTrade, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Witches&Demons&Magick veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

Eine Antwort zu Targeted Individual Reward Fund $1,009,100

  1. Joseph Cronin sagt:

    I have been targeted for four years because I discovered an underground sex trafficking prostitution ring I have so much to say and do have the evidence to lock people up I have tax is numbers businesses shell companies many many things

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