The Lucifer Experiment // God Creates Lucifer as a Mediator for Free Choice…

“The Lucifer Experiment // God Creates Lucifer as a Mediator for Free Choice…”
“517 Aufrufe
Premiere am 20.08.2021
Kush And Chemtrails
1060 Abonnenten
Prior to Lucifer granting free choice to human beings, the mere idea of free choice was but a potential of something that could exist in the Universe. God’s world was and is flawless, therefore, cosmic deviations have no place in His realm. However, by allowing Lucifer to act as a mediator between Source’s infinite Love and this new idea of free choice, God was aiding in the spiritual evolution of His children from human awareness to Christ Consciousness.”

ConspiracyRevelation2022, [19.05.2022 22:12]
Children of the 3rd way..

489310cookie-checkThe Lucifer Experiment // God Creates Lucifer as a Mediator for Free Choice…
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