WEFs AI Enslavement…

WEFs AI Enslavement…

„The mission objective of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is remarkably simple: the smartest, best people in the world should rule everyone else. In WEF parlance, their schemes of total supervision and behavioral modification will create a „sustainable“ future for humanity.

Humans become nothing more than „things“ to be counted, shuffled, categorized, tagged, monitored, manipulated, and controlled. They become nothing more than cogs in the WEF’s great trans-humanist, technocratic machine.“

Worse, for every peaceful religious community seeking separation from modern civilization, there is a power-hungry tyrant seeking to impose his will upon everyone else.

It seems as if not a generation goes by when some megalomaniac does not rise to proclaim, „If only the world does exactly as I demand, I will deliver you paradise here on Earth.“

Its foundations have been around at least since the time of Plato, when two and a half millennia ago the Greek philosopher proposed that the ideal city-state would be ruled by „philosopher kings.““

As is true of almost all visions of Utopia, the WEF’s new world order will be remarkably centralized.“

However, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, individual rights, and other personal liberties will mean little in a WEF-constructed future running on philosopher-king-approved expertise.

At no time can an individual’s needs, wants or concerns be allowed to obstruct the „greater good.“ This is Schwab’s drab vision of Utopia.“

“ they will do so by using technology to enfeeble, rather than empower, the human race.“

Source: https://www.sott.net/article/477911-The-World-Economic-Forums-AI-enslavement-is-coming-for-you

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