FACTS OF FREEDOM…. Inspirations of the Day… 12.5.2024
FAKTEN DER FREIHEIT…. Inspirationen des Tages… 12.5.2024
Ingmar Veeck
12. Mai
Don´t you ever think the TikTok A.I. Censor Mechanism is any better than Fakebook or X or Telegram or Youtube or Google, all the same suppressors, censors and restrictors of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!
Glaubt bloß nicht, dass der K.I.-Zensurmechanismus von TikTok besser ist, als der von Fakebook oder X oder Telegram oder Youtube oder Google, alles dieselben Unterdrücker, Zensoren und Restriktoren der Redefreiheit!!!
Ingmar Veeck
12. Mai
In myperfectuniverse.com people only create intelligent decisions, not self-destructing ideologies or come to any false structures that could ruin an entire 4,5 Billion years evolution due to evil rulers..
Ingmar Veeck
They should have never existed in the first place, in myperfectuniverse.com people would not even get this idea…
„Kalki Kshatriya Vishnu’s People Power World
Not only astrazeneca,
Not only covid vaccines,
But all vaccines will be withdrawn from Whole World.
.. It Just Begins 😎👍
Just Watch.
„They will never know your real self, which is amazing godlike. – w2k“
„They are paying now the price for ignoring you.- w2k“
„Exchanging genetic material – w2k..
Mai 12,
Israel fears you – w2k
Mai 12,
Genocide is still going on – w2k
Mai 12,
Aliens are helping you – w2k
Mai 12,
YOUR Authenticity is unmatched -w2k…
Mai 11,
Local Celebrity – w2k
Ingmar Veeck
True Power never needs censorship, nor subversion, nor decades long plotting and databases against Targeted Individuals, nor sabotage, nor shadow banning, always remember this. You know who rules these corporate monopolies now.
Wahre Macht braucht niemals Zensur, noch Subversion, noch jahrzehntelange Verschwörungen und Datenbanken gegen Zielpersonen, noch Sabotage oder geheime Sperrungen/Schattenbannung. Denke immer daran. Du weisst jetzt, wer diese Unternehmensmonopole regiert.
10:04 vorm. · 11. Mai 2024
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Ingmar Veeck
11. Mai
Only Hinduism is limitation – Only Buddhism is limitation – Only Western Mysticism is limitation – Only Naturalism is limitation – Why am I the only holistic absolute Mystic on this Planet who is able to syncretize and unite all Systems`?
„Das Durchschnittsalter auf dem Kriegsfeld Kurukshetra lag bei 80-90 Jahren, zum Beispiel Krishna war im Krieg damals 90 Jahre alt. Arjuna war damals 70 oder 80 Jahre alt. Der Meister-Krieger Bhishma war in diesem Krieg bereits über 100 Jahre alt.
Damals galt dieses Alter bei einem Mann wie ein 30-35-Jähriger heute. Und vor 1 Million Jahren wurden die Menschen einige 10 000 Jahre alt. ..Die Zeitabschnitte waren damals viel mehr gestreckt.“
8:52 vorm. · 11. Mai 2024
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„“The average age in the Kurukshetra war field was 80-90 years, for example Krishna was 90 years old during the war. Arjuna was then 70 or 80 years old. The master warrior Bhishma was already over 100 years old in this war.
Back then, this age for a man was the same as a 30-35 year old today. And 1 million years ago, humans lived to be tens of thousands of years old. ..The time periods were much more stretched back then.”“
„Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.
Die Wahrheit wird nicht nur durch Falschheit verletzt; sie kann ebenso durch Schweigen verletzt werden. (Henri Frederic)(Amiels Tagebuch von Henri-Frédéric Amiel“ Book: Amiel’s Journal by Henri-Frédéric Amiel)“
„People are cowards; don’t be worried about them. Go on your way, go on your way dancing… whatsoever feels good is good, whatsoever feels beautiful is beautiful… whatsoever makes you happy is bound to be true. Anand, bliss, is the only criterion of truth. (Osho)“ //Oshos consolating Zen-Subjectivism…
#oshoquotes #bliss #meditation @OSHO“
Ingmar Veeck
They are all under a dark spell of recoil Karma for following the U.S. Militaries plan of strategic neglect of treatment of advanced bioweapons…
Auf ihnen allen lastet ein dunkler Fluch des Rückstoß-Karmas, weil sie dem Plan des US-Militärs zur strategischen Vernachlässigung des Umgangs mit hochentwickelten Biowaffen gefolgt sind…
Lyme Morgellons
Something doctors have learned recently is that patients don’t want to hear that they don’t have Morgellons. But by going along with them they might be able to establish a rapport, develop trust, and maybe get their patient on something to help get their mind off of it.
Die Ärzte haben kürzlich gelernt, dass Patienten nicht hören wollen, dass sie kein Morgellons haben. Aber wenn sie mitmachen, gelingt es ihnen vielleicht, eine Beziehung aufzubauen, Vertrauen zu entwickeln und ihre Patienten vielleicht auf etwas aufmerksam zu machen, das ihnen hilft, um von der Sache abzulenken.
Vor 1 Jahr
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
A.I. Smart Dust is a hostile invasion and not something funny… it creates Morgellons in many people and it makes targeting of individuals via Quantum Satellites and competition incapacitation very easy for criminals in power positions.
Vor 1 Jahr
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
K.I. Smart Dust ist eine feindliche Invasion und nichts Lustiges … es erzeugt bei vielen Menschen Morgellons und macht es Kriminellen in Machtpositionen sehr einfach, Einzelpersonen über Quantensatelliten ins Visier zu nehmen und Wettbewerber zu verunfähigen/außer Gefecht zu setzen.
Vor 1 Jahr
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
The people at the top are only speaking for AI, because they never felt the side effects of their own generated weapon systems…. and because they are profitting like hell from it…and get all the support from their NWO Corporate Mafia Clans..
Vor 1 Jahr
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
„Vishnu 📉📷
Artificial Intelligence is going to displace millions of people in the next ten years.“
Vor 1 Jahr
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
Es gibt Verräter der Menschheit, die es schön finden, dass unsere Luft mit AI Smart Dust gesättigt ist, der die Privatsphäre zerstört, die Möglichkeiten einschränkt, die Menschheit versklavt und einhüllt und möglicherweise einige nicht akzeptierte Menschen (auch bekannt als T.I.s) bis zum Ende ihrer Leben foltert.
Vor 1 Jahr
Ingmar Veeck
· Mit Öffentlich geteilt
There are traitors of the Human race who find it beautiful that our Air is saturated with AI Smart Dust, that destroys privacy, that limits possibility, that enslaves and encases humanity and potentially tortures some not accepted people (aka T.I.s) to the end of their lives.
„Du kannst diesen Post nicht anzeigen, weil diese*r Account-Inhaber*in beschränkt, wer seine Posts sehen kann. Mehr erfahren
9. Mai
Please try to leave comments under politicians accounts, try to send them messages with solid video proof from you or other ppl of this gang stalking. … tell them calmly you need experts who understand EMF, DEWs…
9. Mai
My Question is „Mind Control of everyone is a Planned agenda“ – Your inaction = Torture for Millions of #TI
& = A #HumanRightsViolations !
8. Mai
Your Planned enslavement from Birth & lack of Education…
My Twitter account was locked after comment above, then limited with reply buttons not working.
..Political Panicking? – Without Mass Panic Protest PMs MP’s have done nothing after 227 Years!
Ref Air Loom & never will.
Perhaps WITH Mind Control that is their will 🤔🤔🤔
It is the DUTY of MP’S & PM – To Protect from Torture and ALL Human Rights abuse!
They have ALL Failed for over 227 Years!
Ref Air Loom! #TI’s Targeted Individuals #V2K! #DEW!
This Includes #Psychiatry
„Du hast repostet
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
The SWARM’s NAZIS & ZIONISTS are uniting as never before, to snuff out the massive EDUCATIONAL awakening of billions who are learning:
(1) Anti-ZIONISM is NOT Anti-Semitism
(2) ZIONISM is RACISM (is Anti-Semitism) in the service of IMPERIALISM
Their strategy is to:
1) SPREAD Anti-Jewish, Pro-Hitler messaging to re-blur the difference between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism so as to enable ZIONISTS to call Anti-Zionists, Anti-Semites to pass new draconian laws to suppress that awakening;
2) NORMALIZE fascism e.g. Hitler, Mussolini, etc.;
3) CONFLATE all Jews as one group – one class – intentionally not distinguishing between working class Jews who were victims of pogroms, etc. with billionaire Jews eg Rothschilds, etc. who financed ZIONISM and colluded with NAZISM;
4) DESTROY any memory of the heroic efforts of the WORKING PEOPLE of Russia & the Soviet Union who UNITED and sacrificed themselves against the NAZIS, and in fact were the true heroes of WWII;
5) MAKE YOU FORGET how NAZIS & ZIONISTS collaborated to butcher Jewish working people as exemplified in the Warsaw Ghetto.
All of this is being done to perpetuate their political ideology – ZIONISM, NAZISM, BRAHMANISM – that aims to justify why the 0.000001 % must rule over the 8 Billion of us,
So, WE THE PEOPLE, across all races, religions, nationalities, do NOT unite to http://ShatterTheSwarm.com
Exposing this unholy alliance is the order of the day!
Be The Light,
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7:26 nachm. · 10. Mai 2024
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„Du hast repostet
Greg Reese
The NAZIs helped create Israel. They worked with the Zionists when all other organizations were expelled. And they have controlled the US government since before WWII, which fully supports Zionism. You ignore these things because you want a simple answer for complex issues.“