2% Real people left with Human Feedback vs 98% Zombie Bot Armies in Virtual MSM Social Media

Conspiracy Revelation: 9.6.2024: 2% Real people left with Human Feedback vs 98% Zombie Bot Armies in Virtual MSM Social Media.

Ingmar Veeck
9. Juni
Crazy Bot Armies… no real humans left on these Zombie Shadow Ban Platforms…
Verrückte Bot-Armeen … keine echten Menschen mehr auf diesen Zombie-Shadow-Ban-Plattformen …

CRA Conspiracy Revelation Archive Vol.94 Vol. 93 Std.

TWITTER, TELEGRAM, FACEBOOK, TIKTOK, YOUTUBE, GOOGLE…are all the writings on your own Wall…if shadow banned, you, in a closed room… It is just reporting back to HQ -Headquarters – closed feedback loop – and it is not reaching out to the masses who should get the information.
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4 Kommentare
Ray Born
Hello you should write to this tech guy“noahtoolz“ here on Instagram he would help fix your account. same thing happened to my account yesterday but mine was unlocked by NOAHTOOLZ on Instagram because there’s no help from support team.
2 Std. Gefällt mir Antworten Nachricht senden Verbergen
Cloey Raymond
My account was recovered by „JEFF_WEBTECHZ“ on Instagram,go chat him about your account, am sure he’ll help you out.
2 Std. Gefällt mir Antworten Nachricht senden Verbergen
John Willson
They do this most times to control the content being posted but it can actually be fixed.. firstly contact their support service if no response, message „globaltech246“ on Instagram he can help with that. He helped me unbanned my account and verify my page
52 Min. Gefällt mir Antworten Nachricht senden
Jason Miller
same thing happened to me but i got my Account successfully Recovered with the help of ERIC_WEBTOOL on Instagram chat them up for help…..

578050cookie-check2% Real people left with Human Feedback vs 98% Zombie Bot Armies in Virtual MSM Social Media
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