RUSSIAN ARMY ON ALERT! Ukraine launches ballistic missile Tochka for the first time!

“RUSSIAN ARMY ON ALERT! Ukraine launches ballistic missile Tochka for the first time!”
“114.795 Aufrufe – 21.03.2022”

“KC: vor 1 Stunde: Come on Ukrainian people, the good guys have to win!!! Or gain peace on your terms. ❤️❤️❤️🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🤝
恋人プリン: vor 1 Stunde:
Its ironic how russia is complaining about ukraine launching a ballistic missile when russia is literally using thermobaric, deadly missiles and possibly cluster munitions.”

“Leonard Wong: vor 16 Minuten: Russians are sore losers.
Elespo_0: vor 6 Minuten: And shooting refugee camps.”

482930cookie-checkRUSSIAN ARMY ON ALERT! Ukraine launches ballistic missile Tochka for the first time!
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